OK........first off we have some hypocrites in the house. I am talking about a couple of Leafs fans who completely lambasted some Flyers players for questionable hits earlier this season.....and are now applauding the Leafs Bell for his questionable hit. I am not going to call you out, you know who you are.....this just proves you are homers to the nth degree and giant HYPOCRITES.
As for the question, every team's fan base has a few bad apples. Yes..........even your precious Sens.
How quickly we forget....just in last year's post season, a few Sens fans behaved like morons. By your theory, I guess the Sens are now your 29th favorite team.
It has always been my thinking that the fans pay their money and can boo whatever they want to boo. I have never been a huge fan of booing an injury but unlike most, I could care less if someone boos one of the Flyers fallen.......even if he is taken out on a stretcher. It is not like it changes anything.
Furthermore, I have never seen any fans boo an injury to a player whom they were neutral to.......Philly has had their share....for instance, they booed Michael Irvin's injury (Cowboys vs Eagles) and while some may call it classless, my thinking is you reap what you sow. Alfredsson has a history with Toronto and is not well liked.....he took a questionable hit....the fans cheered. At the end of the day...so what?? I just have a hard time feeling sorry for a guy who makes millions of dollars to play a game because he got the snot knocked out of him. Will I cheer it? Probably not but that's just me.
To me, there are far bigger travesties going on in the world then some misguided fans who boo an injured hockey player who got his bell (pardon the pun) rung.