No. the Owners voted on it over the all star break and came one or 2 votes shy of what they needed to change it... since they voted on it then, they couldn't vote on it last time the met after the season was over (when, among other things, they rejected the Bowed nets and a redesign of the lines that would have made the game even more confusing)
Unfortunately, since the votes are secrets (supposedly) We don't' know which teams voted which way. I do suspect that the Carolina Hurricanes voted for the schedule to be changed from the results of th website poll (70 odd percent in favor, and they listen to the fans...) and a little paragraph in one of the blogs on their page.
The only team voting "no" that I know of was Nashville, but that could change this year if the owner changes- I'm certainly hoping for that...
Each team should play each other a minimum of twice. Play each team from the other conference twice, one home, one away. That way, you still have more games in your conference to cut down on travel time but can still play every team. 82 games -30 games in the other conference leaves 52 games, so you can play each team in conference 2 or 3 times, (could be rotated year to year like they do with east west now) unless they're in your division, which allows for a few more.
It could be done in a way that works for everyone...