About 20 years ago a Karate group was holding a belt testing examination. The format is 2 hours training in the morning and the tests in the afternoon. I was (still am) one of the senior instructors.
As usual, the morning's training passed quickly, and as we were about to wind up and get ready for the examination itself I noticed that the Chief Instructor was not looking very happy.
He turned to me and expressed some displeasure that a number of female members were not wearing the correct karate uniform - namely that they had various coloured T-shirts on under their gi (karate suit). The rules state that only women are allowed to wear a T-shirt under their gi jacket, and that it should be a plain white T-shirt.
"Leave it to me, Sensei", I replied.
Ten minutes later as the morning session ended and we bowed off , I asked all the females to stay on for a moment. I reminded them of the rules, expressing particular regret that one of my own black belt students was wearing a bright green and pink Garfield T-shirt and should have known better! I praised those with the correct T-shirt, and gave the others thirty push ups to remind them to wear the correct uniform next time.
One group went off to prepare for the afternoon's tests, another group ambled off and did their push ups (cursing me under their breath), leaving a solitary woman standing in front of me, smiling. "Is this all right, Sensei?" she asked as she pulled her gi jacket wide open, revealing that she was wearing nothing at all underneath.
"Er... Yes, that's fine", I replied.