What exactly was the Confederacy trying to preserve? the practice of Slavery. Was the Confederacy the last strong hold of Slavery in the World? Cuba & the Ottoman empire didn't end slavery until 2 decades after the U.S. Brazil didn't end it until 4 decades after the U.S. & brought it back on Amerindians only due to the rubber boom. Saudi Arabia didn't end Hereditary Slaver (Chattel/Caste) until the mid 1960s but kept secret through schemes to keep a worker or a migrant captive. Mauritania ended it made it illegal in 2007, It still wide spread in the Shahel (Niger, Chad, Mali & Sudan), just not broadcast. Traditional Slavery (a bit similar to indentured servitude) is still practiced in Sub Sahara.
Traditional Slavery: Payment for atonement, Prisoners, Sexual exploits.
Virgin Teen's (12-16) are given as sex slave as payment to an offended family by the family whose member has wronged or committed misdeeds as punishment. Child Slave Trade sold for $20-$70 in Nigeria & Benin still persist. In Nigeria Chattel, Tradition, & Passive slavery is common among indigenous tribes. The Bantu Neighbors of the Congo (Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Zambia, Angola...) are enslaving villagers of the Republic of Congo. Human Child Trafficking within the Horn of Africa & also exported to Middle Eastern Countries for unpaid labor for preteen boys, & sex slavery for preteen girls still persist. Christians & Animist are enslave in Sudan in wars or raids the women are used as sexual exploits as called for by the Quran.
European & N. American efforts to end slavery in Africa since Early 1900s fails because slavery was born in Africa since the days of Homie-Erectus. Africa is the heart of Slavery that is why Islam was created to preserve slavery. That is why it still widespread in N Africa & the Arabian Peninsula, though not openly as they once were just to portray an image to the world that they are with them in.
The Confederacy accepted their defeat & ended the practice of slavery within the Confederate States for 112 Year & Counting. There were free black slave owners in support of preserving slavery & in support of seceding from the U.S. To distinguish the Confederate flag from the U.S. they adopted the X from the Union Jack of the U.K. . Since it is an American Custom to represent each state with a star, the Confederacy included the stars for each state. Instead of stars & stripes you have stars & cross. It could be skull & crossbones of Pirate Flag, but the Pirates Flag symbolizes Lawlessness & Anarchy not for Governance or Statehood. Slavery will never return in the Southern States as what Slavery does is bring financial burdens & dependency that corrupts self reliance & integrity. The Southern States is very diverse with Mass Migration from Europe (after the Civil War to WWI), South of the Border Countries (after the Civil War to Present), Asia (After the Civil War to Present), The Middle East/Levant (After the WWII), & Africa
Is the Confederate Flag Racist compared to the Brazilian Flag, Cuban Flag, The Saudi Flag, The Sudanese Flag The Azawad Flag, The Cross, The Crescent (Hilal), The Imperial Japanese Flag...?
The Crescent has killed more innocent lives in Genocidal religious conquest since the 7th century to the present than National Socialist (NSDAP) brief & short existence. The Crescent fundamentalist don't take prisoners to house, feed, & cater too unless they are women or adolescent girls they can exploit sexually.
The Catholic cross comes in second in their role in the Inquisition & Which Hunt in Europe, in the Americas to force Amerindians to convert in a brief period in time, thought the cross it self is a symbol of death as it is a torture & execution device predating the guillotine & Jesus Christ.
Ancient Rome, Greece, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Assyrian, Sumeria, Qin Empire, Aztec Empire, Incan Empire, Mayan Empire are all tied for third.
All Communist are in 4th 30 to 40 million died in just two communist state. Mongol Horde Conquest 30 to 40 Million
National Socialist in 5th 6 million civilians massacred in 5 years. Sub Saharan Kingdoms that grew to an Empire sold 12 million slaves 2 million not arriving to destination over 350 Years to Latin Empires (70%), over 200 Years sold to English Empires (25%), though Sub Saharan Genocides have existed since 50,000 BC, if not 100,000 BC.
Imperial Japan 6th place 300K to 1 million civilians in the Orient & the S. Pacific.