Is the Confederate flag racist?
2015-12-22 13:27:03 UTC
Is the Confederate flag racist?
325 answers:
2015-12-25 09:34:19 UTC
no, it is a piece of fabric
Diggin It
2015-12-23 14:01:01 UTC
The flag itself was just a symbol for a group of people in the South that did not see eye to eye with the North and were willing to fight to protect their rights. Slavery was not the only thing they were fighting for. When they chose to separate from the Union they obviously had to create their own identity (flag) to distinguish them from the Stars and Stripes of the North. The flag represented the confederacy of the Southern states, hence a stars representing each state that joined. Through the years it has and had been adopted by racist groups in various forms or another but to most I think it just stands as a symbol for a group of people willing to stand up to Washington for their rights. Today the flag flies in the South and the North, along with the West because the people are getting tired of Washington back East. The surge in popularity of the flag over the last few years is not that the Country has become more racist, just more fed up with the system that is supposed to be looking out for The People's best interest.

In 1861 (the height of slavery they say) according to census, 6% of Americans owned slaves. Not all slaves were from Africa. Irish slaves were not uncommon, not to mention indentured servitude that would span the rest of the globe. Today 1% controls the vast majority of wealth in the Country. Did slavery really die?

Look at the Swastika. Had the Nazis not used it, it's purpose takes on a whole new meaning. How can the Confederate flag be racist? It's an inanimate object that does not care what the color of the skin is that carries it.
2016-09-29 14:10:43 UTC
Is The Confederate Flag Racist
2015-12-24 11:09:31 UTC
As racist as the American flag I suppose. So... yes of course.

People say, "But the Union fought the south to free slaves"... Not really, they fought the south to enact the Indian Removal Act and take over not just the South but all the Native lands. The South actually had trade agreements with Native people built into their Constitution... maybe you should read it sometime... this means they respected them as a self governing people and valued their business relationship, this went against what the North wanted. In fact, most Native-Americans who fought in the Civil War, did so in defense of the South. Surely, there is a logical reason for that.

So of course ever since everything the South does is "racist".... they carved some generals in a mountain and is "hateful"... meanwhile the North carves presidents into a sacred Native-American mountain and it's all a-okay with them. Afterall, they're not the south right? -_- The only real reason why those generals or the Confederate flag are "racist" is because it represents a Nation that no longer exists... this is just like when China took over Tibet, China wants to erase all memories of Tibet off the map... maybe the Tibetan flag will be seen as "hateful" in a few decades to finally eradicate it.

Also, people claim it's all ok that the North conquered the South... afterall the South started the Civil War... No, this isn't correct. The North invaded the South first. This is like China invading California, naturally, the US would consider this an act of war. Likewise, the North invaded a Sovereign Nation at the time, the Confederate States of America was a Nation and merely defended themselves from an invading force.
2015-12-23 00:48:34 UTC
With the exception of a flag which has words written upon it that explicitly say "I Am A Racist Flag," a racist flag cannot exist. Can any flag which is composed cloth and dye have a character trait?

If you are asking whether the Confederate flag symbolizes racism, that is a question whose answer is relative and subjective as well as based on the breadth and depth of information fairly gathered, examined, contrasted and compared by the respondent to the question.

Depending on whom you ask, the Union flag represents far more racism than the Confederate flag ever could.
Taylor Mikell
2015-12-22 17:47:24 UTC
No, it is not. It was just the flag of the confederacy (kinda obvious given the name.). Just because the confederate states believed in slavery and the north did not doesn't mean it is racist. It's a sign of history and should remind people to not repeat that time in history but some people like to take it the wrong way saying it is racist and promoting slavery and that is not what the meaning of the confederate flag is
2015-12-22 16:15:19 UTC
Slavery was not the purpose of the civil war it was based on sectional tensions between the north and the south based on an agricultural south and an industrial north. The issue of slavery was only eventually derived from Lincolns emancipation proclamation which freed all slaves which was simply looked at as a war tactic to disallow the south from gaining foreign aid from Britain which popular base was against slavery. Hope this helps but no the simple answer would be the confederate flag simply symbolizes the southern lifestyle although some people might make it about race what it originally stood for was states rights and a less powerful federal government.
2015-12-23 01:41:30 UTC
No… it’s not. The confederacy fought for much more than ideas involving slavery.

In 2015… does that matter?

No. Not even a little. No one wants to research the Confederate Flag or the history of the South.

As soon as the media grabs hold of an idea like “The Confederate flag = racism” …then it’s over. The media will run with all sorts of stories where people saw the flag & were “offended” by it & the concept of “Confederate flag = racism” will become “fact” in the minds of the populace.

Enjoy your delusions, folks. Enjoy your false outrage over nothing.

Enjoy labeling for the sake of self-righteousness.

Not Applicable
2015-12-23 10:39:53 UTC
I am assuming you are speaking of the Confederate Battle Flag (CBF). Unfortunately, I am afraid it is racist. Yet, I know whites who had ancestors who fought for the old Confederacy and many of those people today may not have a racist bone in their body, but the cause for which their ancestors fought believed, very vociferously I might add, that people of African ancestry were best served in conditions of slavery. After the American Civil War and the end of institutional slavery, the CBF was embraced by the KKK and other white supremacist groups and still is today. To deny this fact, is to deny historical reality. The bigger issue of racism however, is something that needs to be addressed all over the USA. In some ways, the easy answer is to condemn the horrors of Confederate society while ignoring exploitation of the less fortunate throughout current American society.
2015-12-23 15:37:43 UTC
No. A flag is just a piece of cloth and has no opinions. But it can symbolize different things to different people. The Southern Cross or Confederate Battle Flag was in the Canton of the 2nd and third flags of the Confederate States of America. So at heart, it symbolizes only that.

To those who fly it as a symbol of the South, it merely symbolizes their heritage and respect for the soldiers who lost their lives defending the South. For "good ole boys" like the "Dukes of Hazzard" it is merely a symbol of youthful rebellion. But to the KKK or others who are racist, it can be a coded symbol for their racism.

But you have to remember that slavery had existed for 70 years under the Stars and Stripes, before the Confederacy was founded. During the five years the Confederacy lasted, only 4% of southerners owned slaves. And while Robert E. Lee never bought a slave and freed those he inherited before the war, Gen. Grant and Gen. Sherman owned slaves in the North, throughout the war and did not free them until forced to do so after the war by the 15th Amendment. And a lot of other bad things have happened under the stars and stripes such as the genocide of Native Americans.

So if we want to be politically correct, maybe we should re-design the stars and stripes.
2015-12-23 09:41:19 UTC
No. The confederate flag is not racist. Neither is the Swastika. While we're at it, guns don't kill people. What makes these things a problem are the sick twisted minds that chose to ignore the real fact of slavery, the holocaust, and the real social issues in this country and the world. You can pretend the times when a Black man was hunted down just because he was Black was a looooooooooooong time ago, but I assure you it was not. Shame on anyone who minimizes the impact and the still very real racism in this country today.
2016-12-16 10:06:14 UTC
Racist Flag
2015-12-23 08:30:41 UTC
The only real question that should be asked about this is not "is the confederate flag racist", but rather whether or not it's the only flag that is racist. The answer to which is no, the Union flag (Old Glory) is far more racist as well as the entirety of EUROPE's flag collection.

P.S. There's only one group of flags that isn't racist. That set being the Anarchist flags.
2015-12-23 21:00:41 UTC
If Americas Blacks see it as a sign of Oppression and Slavery then Yes it is racist. If the sight of it makes Them sick in the stomach then Yes it is racist. If the sight of it makes Them think of when Their ancestors were Slaves and could be bought and sold like a farm animal then Yes it is racist. Those who come up with fancy answers denying this truth are the ignorant ones who think They can fool others . The Confederate flag is a symbol of oppression and slavery to Americas Blacks and is definitely a racist symbol in Their eyes. Any other answer only perpetuates this travesty and should be disregarded by all true Americans.
2015-12-23 02:00:22 UTC
Well to me as a black man it represents the south, and their way of life which included slavery. However the belief that the flag represents only slavery is not true. People should be able to privately wave their flag of choice, but businesses and government entities should convey a neutral position because of the sensitivity involved. I went to school with Germans who didn't believe that the swastika was racist, to them it represented their way of life. I am sure Jewish people would feel differently.

Think about it like this. Let say 50 years from now the Middle East becomes a paradise and you vist Iraq, although democracy prevailed, imagine if some government entities still had an ISIS flag up. Would you want to do business or feel comfortable there?
Smokies Hiker
2015-12-23 17:22:47 UTC
Not really. The "Stars and Bars" came about because the "Southern Cross" flag looked very similar to the Northern States flag ( the US Flag ). The flags were so similar that it was hard to distinguish between the two armies when fierce battles were taking place. The cannon smoke would be so dense that the Northern Army and the Southern Army were nearly side-by-side without realizing it. The Southern Army designed the "Stars and Bars" as their battle flag on the field so they could distinguish their Southern Army from the Northern Army soldiers when the smoke was very thick. One of the Northern Armies goals was to free the slaves from their owners, but the bulk of the reason the Civil War was fought was because the Southern States didn't want to pay higher taxes to the Northern States on their properties and businesses. The freeing of the slaves was the only "racist" part in the Civil War between slaves and some of their white owners. Many whites participated with the "Underground Railroad" that secretly moved slaves from the southern states up into Northern States where they were declared to be free citizens.
2015-12-23 19:10:50 UTC
No. It is the flag that was flown by the people in the south who were mostly anti-federalists and wanted state controlled governments unified by a weaker central government. The federalists on the other hand, wanted a large, strong federal government to rule over the people. However, once the civil war began, the southerners (anti-federalists) chose to make slavery their main issue for fighting, thus leaving us with the idea that the confederate flag flown by the confederate army stood for slavery, and is a symbol of hate when it stands for states rights and southern pride.

I hope this helped!
2015-12-22 19:36:29 UTC
No, black lives matter human beings are racist. The confederate flag is a symbol of our troops especially in the south. It stands for the struggles of hardships and past remifications that lead us where we are today. Without the cobfederacy, we would not be where we are today. There would be no United States. The cobfederacy made that happen. That is something to read into as well as something to cherish.
2015-12-24 23:28:25 UTC
no the flag is not racist. But it can be used to provoke/illustrate/induce racism.

I feel like the flag has as much power as the person welding it gives it and on the flip side what the observer gives it over them. I understand that some people are still sensitive to the confederate flag. does that mean we should outlaw or speak negatively of those who hang it, not necessary for it has different meaning for different people. People just need to be aware and considerate of others feeling. Frankly I like the idea of repurposing it and giving it new meaning but then again I don't necessary want people to forget the pain and heart ach it cased thus erasing the past.
2015-12-25 00:37:32 UTC
It a battle flag of the confederate and also was a symbol to form a new nation , the flag itself is not racist just the way it was use to promote racism in america after the civil war
2015-12-22 21:32:41 UTC
Yes and No, the flag(s) is not racist only people are racist. But, many of the people that like the flag are racist. Some are just proud of the southern eastern US area. There are several Confederate Flags. All representative the Southern US that allow Slavery of blacks, but not whites. Thereby racist. Note: If they allowed slavery of all races whites, blacks, mongoloids (Asians), then Slavery would not be racist. Slavery (indentured servants) of all races was allowed in the US territories and was not racist. See Movie "Rachel and the Stranger"
2015-12-22 18:17:52 UTC
I feel that it stands for institutionalized racism. I personally wouldn't display it but I do not think that anyone displaying it is racist. For some they see it differently, some feel that is is a symbol of souther pride. They aren't racist at all and in fact, some of these people are black themselves. I feel that it shouldn't be displayed on city or state grounds because it was used for racism (literally, the flag nowadays isn't even the one the confederates used, the KKK made the one we commonly see today) and is, by facts, an oppressive symbol.
Mr. Wizard
2015-12-23 02:07:18 UTC
The Confederate Flag is NOT racist; the efforts by BLACKS to "erase" the Flag and Confederate Civil War monuments, on the other hand, IS RACIST.
2015-12-22 20:26:47 UTC
Nope, it's history. And, it's not even the real flag. This flag controversy is really about a Confederate battle flag, not the flag of the Confederacy.
2015-12-22 17:09:07 UTC
No the confederate flag is not racist. The people answering yes clearly have never went to school you learn about it in history. Stuff like this makes me mad I have my confederate and american flag on the top of my truck and im proud. alot of the times people get pissed off lol and i just smile right back.
2015-12-23 08:57:43 UTC
I am a white southerner, and although the Confederate battle flag has become a symbol of our heritage, it is offensive to some, like the swastika, originally a symbol representing how the sun sets and rises again, has become a symbol of hatred for many. I think Robert E. Lee had the best idea when someone asked him what they should do with their Confederate flag. He said, "Fold it up and put it away."
2015-12-23 08:42:42 UTC
The flag itself is not racist, it is an inanimate object, people choose to make it about racism. I feel if we as a country are going to take down every Confederate Flag or monument for the Civil War we are trying to erase a very important part of history for this country. People need to educate themselves and not deny Americans that had ancestors die in that war their right to remember that time in history. If you look back there are many ugly times but we cannot go erase every bad time period.
jeffrey f
2015-12-22 16:48:08 UTC
Yes, the Confederate flag is racist.
King Midas
2015-12-23 23:21:09 UTC
Nonsense, the Confederate flag was as racist to black as the Nazi flag was to jews. The civil war was fought because the south wanted to expand slavery into other states. Besides what exactly is southern heritage? The vast majority of the morons that fly the Confederate flag couldn't tell you about the civil war or the south.
2015-12-22 19:24:15 UTC
The Rebel Flag of The Confederate States is a subject/objective symbol that is at worst "racially insensitive", but NOT racist
2015-12-22 15:42:55 UTC
The flag is a symbol for racism. Anyone tell you different, is most likely naive or a racist themselves because they know what it represent. How do I know? The creator of the flag said that it is a flag for white supremacy. Please look that up if you don't believe me. William T. Thomson. That flag is a symbol for white supremacy and white supremacy only. That is the truth. If people want to wave it, by all means do what you want. But we can't ignore or lie about what it represent. I despise a racist but I do have a level of respect for the ones who are open with it. Why? Because at least they are honest about what they stand for. That way, I'll know to stay away from them.
2015-12-22 19:17:58 UTC
Birds of a feather fly together. 1913 was the largest USA

recorded death toll from Lynching. Most of that was done

by whites who revered the Confederate Flag and saw the

non-whites as Mud People or Sub-Human. The old rag is

a relic but empowered by its previous value for oppression.

Like Vice President Joe Biden this Liberal recommends

a shotgun for readers who fear a future where living legally

may put your life at risk.
2015-12-22 17:41:27 UTC
No, that's not what it was intended for. But people throughout history decided to bend it. For example, the Nazi symbol wasn't intended to be used for antisemitism, and german rule, but it was anyways. So in the very deepest of hearts, the confederate flag isn't racist in my opinion, but that fact alone doesn't matter because the only thing that matters is that we acknowledge how people view it. Humanity is stupid; we're not intelligent enough to see the true meaning behind a symbol after someone decides to bend it.
2015-12-23 06:51:34 UTC
No more than the union flag. Not in the way you suggest, or the many slave-holders and slavery sympathisers on the unionist side would have rendered their flag equally execrable.

Extreme and unhealthy nationalism, such as evinced by the German NAZIs back then, and by the Americans and certain other nations today, is to be equally detested in an increasingly global society, where all are claimed to be, from oh so many lying and deceitful lips, 'equal'.*

* or 'equal in the eyes of God', which may or may not be the same thing.
2015-12-23 04:04:48 UTC
NO. The flag itself means whatever the person carrying it intends it to mean for them.

It is also NOT the Confederate flag, it's a battle flag, used to mark where different divisions and companies, etc. were in an engagement. It is and was not a flag to demean anybody.

It is people with agendas who misrepresent it's meaning.
2015-12-23 06:43:53 UTC
No The flag is not racist. It is a symbol of patriots who were willing to die to protect this country and make sure it remained as the founders intended. Slavery was never the reason fir the war but only an excuse to start one.Lincoln could care less if slavery remained and is on record stating such, even offering to make slavery legal in the Southern states in return for the South compromising their beliefs.
Jake No Chat
2015-12-23 05:18:15 UTC
No, it is just a flag of a historical nature. Some people can read in anything they want, but a flag cannot be racist. A person can fly a flag for the purposes of racism if that is what it means to them, or it could just be a sense of historical pride. It is what people do that matters.
2015-12-23 15:21:41 UTC
Folks . This demonizing the Confederate Flag + Southern USA, is a further step by anti white racists, using PC and social engineering to achieve. The further demolition of America: divide + conquer. USA: 'dead man walking', SADLY/TRAGICALLY! Brought down by the 'stranger within' + whites without patriotism or true understanding of where America is headed!
Another Teenage Girl
2015-12-22 16:24:58 UTC
The flag represents the Confederate States. (which doesn't even exist in a tangible sense. You can go "it always exists in our hearts", but if I ask "how can I reach the Confederate States?" I won't be able to get an answer). They seceded for a multitude of reasons, but quite a few point back to slavery. The North wanted to abolish slavery; the South refused because their economy centered around the work of slaves. As William T. Thompson, one of the people who contributed to the creation of the flag, blatantly states that "[a]s a people we are fighting to maintain the Heaven-ordained supremacy of the white man over the inferior or colored race; a white flag would thus be emblematical of our cause."

Yes, I recognize the fact that people who support the Confederate flag claim it's their heritage. And by all means, be proud of your roots. If being from the Bible Belt empowers you, go you! If you love going to First Baptist or Methodist or whatever church, go you! However, cherishing heritage does not mean praising the bad things that have happened. For instance, I am a child of two South Korean citizens, and I am of Korean ethnicity (I am an American citizen). I love being South Korean, and frequently I purchase goods from there. However, I am not proud of the wrongdoings of the nation. I believe Syngman Rhee's ruling was not civil; although he claimed "freedom" from the communist rule, was his ruling even justified? I don't romanticize the oligarchical society in the ancient times. I recognize the corruption and the wrongdoings. That does not mean I hate my heritage; I love it so much that I am cognizant of past errors so that we do not repeat them again.

Anyways, enough about me, more about the topic at hand. Another argument supporting the Confederate flag is that there are non-whites who fought for the Confederate cause. Whereas that is true, did those people really have a choice? The slaves could not know better; it was illegal for them to be taught to read, therefore depending on white people. These people have been spoon-fed information to believe in. The mentality of white supremacy and nationalism has been ingrained since birth. Additionally, should any slave be able to filter out these lies, they couldn't drop their guns and say "I don't believe this; I'm out." So is it really just to support the flag for the sake of people who fought for something they didn't consent to be affiliated with?

There's also the argument that the Confederates were fighting for what they believed is right. However, the ends do not justify the means.

Now, reflect on Nazi Germany for a second. I have yet to meet a person with a sound mind who can justify Nazi Germany. The premise of it was to protect the citizen, to strengthen Germany, and pull it out of the ashes. The economy was booming. Unemployment was at an all time low. But at what cost? The people had no liberties or freedoms. "Unusual" people such as Jews, Catholics, disabled people, homosexuals, etc. were thrown into concentration camps. Now, because it is universally accepted this kind of rule was inhumane, the Nazi flag is banned. Gestures reflecting "Hail Hitler" are similarly banned. Is this because Germany hates Germany? No. Germany realizes it screwed up and is paying the price.

Back to how it ties with the Confederate Flag. Is chauvinism a legitimate excuse for abuse to human life? Many faced consequences such as dehumanization, physical abuse, rape, and even death in many cases. Can these be overridden with "the South wanted to protect the whites?"

If you want to make a cozy little blanket with your flag, I won't stop you. If you put a flag in your front yard, I will probably cringe when I drive by your house, but I won't rip it out of your lawn. It represents your beliefs; your beliefs aren't representative of the state you live in or the nation's. However, I have a problem with the flag when it tries to make its way to state buildings and schools. With all of its historical connotations, what are you imposing? What are you trying to accomplish?
2015-12-22 19:45:33 UTC
Let's answer that with another few questions. Is the English flag racist? Is the Indian flag racist? Is the Egyptian flag racist? Is the Chinese flag racist? For goodness sake, I hope you don't think they are.
2015-12-22 18:46:03 UTC
Absolutely not! It's part of Southern history and tradition. Many brave young Southern men fought and died for that flag, including American Indians and Blacks. I am very proud to own a Confederate Flag and I will never voluntarily surrender it to anyone.
2015-12-22 21:53:10 UTC
It is not racist. A flag of any sort cannot form an opinion. But frequently it's a dead giveaway that the owner is. I don't want to say it. There are more racists that do not speak their minds in public than you'd think.
2015-12-23 09:46:08 UTC
A flag is just a piece of cloth so it can not be racist, but the people who fly it often are. It was used as a symble for opposition the civil rights in the 1960s and so is often seen as as racist even today.
2015-12-23 09:28:55 UTC
Let's see. Most of the constitutions of the states of the Confederacy had parts that clearly stated that the enslavement of Blacks was an integral part of their states, and in his inauguration speech, the Vice President of the C.S.A. clearly said that slavery was the foundation upon which the Confederacy was built, so we've got a flag representing a nation founded on the enslavement of Blacks. If that's not racist, I don't know what is.
2015-12-23 10:34:20 UTC
I have noticed ever since the things in Boston have occurred they have appeared more so people most likely think your a racist because they are kinda just now appearing. Yes and no. But everyone will most likely assume that your a racist if you have one. It really depends on how you view it not what other people tell you it means. Yes ever since the #BlackLivesMatter came to social media more flags have came so what do you think? Hey this is just what I think but you have to look at the facts kinda.
2015-12-23 08:34:44 UTC
Some people think it is. Other people think it is nothing more than a viable part of American history. A flag is actually nothing more than a symbol. It is the attitudes and actions of humans that are racist. A flag cannot actually be racist because it is just a piece of cloth.
2015-12-22 18:48:41 UTC
All these long winded answers from people trying to rationalize their love of a piece of fabric. It's a simple answer and here ya go, yes it is a racist symbol from the moment it was sewn. Saying it is not is like saying a klan outfit isn't racist. But enjoy your love for a flag more than your fellow human beings...
Andy F
2015-12-22 18:29:41 UTC
Among people who like it, I think it's SOMETIMES racist, but sometimes it isn't.

Among most northerners and most African Americans, OTOH, I think it's almost always seen as racist and as promoting a white supremacist agenda.

Therefore, if you fly the Confederate flag, you're communicating a racist message to many other people -- whether you intend to or not.
2015-12-22 13:32:02 UTC
The flag itself is a piece of cloth, so no.

But the flag represents attitudes and actions that are.

True story, when Germany banned the Nazi flag (except in Museums), white supremacist and neo-Nazi groups in Germany adopted the Confederate flag as their symbol - and they weren't doing it to celebrate Southern Heritage.
Ronald 7
2015-12-23 13:42:31 UTC
It is just a flag for goodness sake, it is noot for any country in particular.

Historically it was used by the Confederate army during the American Civil War.

It is only hated by those who wish to have an issue with it.

Personally, it conjure up images of good ole boys to me.
2015-12-24 13:44:38 UTC
The flag isn't but MANY of the people who supported the Confederacy of the time were. Unfortunately, the people who do support the Confederacy are overshadowed by the thousands of quotes by confederate soldiers expressing white supremacy.
Space Wasp
2015-12-24 21:55:22 UTC
No, it is a flag that is part of American history, and which has been (and still is) flown by people who are not racist, as well as by people who are.

The current push for the flag to be treated as a racist symbol, and banned or considered 'wrong', is largely fuelled by racist attitudes.
2015-12-22 19:09:38 UTC
No, it isn't. Though, the Confederate battle flag is, depending on how its used. If you just want to show pride though, stick with a plain old US flag. That way it doesnt offend people.
2015-12-23 16:18:29 UTC
"We hold as undeniable truths that the governments of the various States, and of the confederacy itself, were established exclusively by the white race, for themselves and their posterity; that the African race had no agency in their establishment; that they were rightfully held and regarded as an inferior and dependent race, and in that condition only could their existence in this country be rendered beneficial or tolerable.

That in this free government all white men are and of right ought to be entitled to equal civil and political rights; that the servitude of the African race, as existing in these States, is mutually beneficial to both bond and free, and is abundantly authorized and justified by the experience of mankind, and the revealed will of the Almighty Creator, as recognized by all Christian nations; while the destruction of the existing relations between the two races, as advocated by our sectional enemies, would bring inevitable calamities upon both and desolation upon the fifteen slave-holding states. "- A Declaration of the Causes which Impel the State of Texas to Secede from the Federal Union

The confederacy was founded on racism, and it's flag is racist. All the other secession documents say similar things.
2015-12-23 00:15:01 UTC
Racism is a small part of it, there's more history to the confederate flag than racism, but racism is one of the key things that makes this flags history
2015-12-23 04:51:23 UTC
The flag itself isn't racist. It represents the failed Confederacy. The war itself had less to do with slavery than what popular belief would suggest. It just so happens that a lot of racist people have claimed it as their own, because of the pre-war tradition of slavery.
2015-12-22 17:19:55 UTC
No. Like the Nazi and yes the Hammer and sickle (The former USSR flag), it is part of history for better or for worse.

Look at the repression,oppression , and concentration camps filled with the citizens of North Korea, the North Korean Flag currently represents.

The Hammer and sickle condemn many of its own people to the Gulags and internal exile to Siberia. It denied the freedom and independent statehood for the former Eastern Bloc nations after WWII. These eastern Bloc nations had to wait until the fall for the Berlin Wall for independent statehood and national identity.

The Nazi used a symbol that even American Indians used as a religious symbol. Hinduism ,Buddhism , and Jainism religions uses this symbol for religious reasons, as well. Way before the Nazis used it.

In places like Louisville, Ky since Ky was a border state and battleground, war dead from both sides share the same graveyard, under their respective flag. For example in Cave Hill Cemetery , here in Louisville.

Out side of Dansville, NY there is home town boy who was drafted or enlisted in the CSA .( What happen is lost to time, according to the guy , the cemetery caretaker who was giving me this story). He was in Tennessee on personal businessat the out break of the war. He was killed in battle. The family was allowed to get the body and bring him back to Dansville, NY. He rests in a military part of the local cemetery with a stars and bars on his grave. This portion of the cemetery, has war dead going back to the American Revolutionary War and The War of 1812. There is several British solders and pro-British colonists as well that are laid to rest and have a Union Jack on their grave site.

Death is a great equalizer.
2015-12-22 15:18:35 UTC
Liberals think anyone flying the flag is a racist, which just isn't true. A few may be, but the vast majority is a southern pride thing.
2015-12-22 23:49:50 UTC
It depends on what people use it for. I believe showing it in a museum is not bad, since it's historical. The flag itself wasn't really bad, but it symbolizes the confederacy and the rebellion during the American civil war. I don't think people should be proud of it though.
2015-12-23 11:07:21 UTC
The issue isn't racism, it's the fact that 11 states turned on their own government and caused a war. Some people call the flag southern pride, rebelling against your own country isn't anything to be proud of.
2015-12-22 16:26:57 UTC
The Union had no issues with segregation and oppression of blacks. They only wanted to outlaw slavery to weaken the south as a war tactic. Confederacy wanted the constitution to stand as written. That the states held the power when not specifically covered by the constitution. The Union wanted to dictate things outside and against the constitution. Since slavery wasn't covered in the constitution, it was a state responsibility.
2015-12-23 00:44:56 UTC
The flag that the Confederacy used before the stars and bars became the main battle flag received little or no criticism from blacks or liberals,out of site-out of mind.This shows me the left is just jumping on the band wagon and not doing their homework.
2015-12-22 22:31:19 UTC
In some aspects yes, as it was a flag of a rebellious nation that enslaved minorities for hard labor and outside of slavery were only allowed at jobs that were menial tasks. The other side, it is just a flag, it only means as much as we put into it.
2015-12-22 19:53:49 UTC
Now who in world would drive that message home to you.

How can a symbol of the confederacy in 1865 be asserted

as racist to you in 2015 AD. The only people making that

assertion are those people wanting to keep you lame and

dumb as hell. The only control mechanism that have over you

is fear. Afraid of what. Be rest assured they will tell you.

Backed by fact. No way. Just rhetorical Bullshit. That they

know best how to sling.
2015-12-23 06:40:38 UTC
Are Christians racist against atheist? Who cares about a flag get real people.
2015-12-22 13:47:03 UTC
Nay, It is like the Swaski flag which the Jews just love to death as it reminds them of the crimes against humanity that were perpetrated against them just like the Confederate flag is loved and adored by Blacks as it reminds them of their good times right up to the 1960s when conservative Southern White Christian funda

mentalists massively raped,tortured and lynched Blacks .

My only hope is that YOU are raped,tortured and lynched by one of these Con Christians and your headless body is wrapped in the Confederate flag .

I hope this answers your question .
2015-12-24 12:35:12 UTC
It was not created out of race as most flags that are created. It was created as a symbol of who and what the people and culture are.

Only recently have people looking through the lens of political correctness define the flag as racist.
2015-12-24 00:53:17 UTC
I wouldn't have ever thought about it that way but I think if people are saying its racist it's just a respectful thing to do to stop waving them around. What irks me is that people who never cared about the flag suddenly care now that it's been threatened to be banned. I just think it's very unclassy and I disregard any potential boyfriend who had that all over his Instagram or Facebook
2015-12-25 08:20:18 UTC
Yes. The confederate flag represents a failed nation of bigots and slave owners. The flag is racist.
2015-12-22 16:57:43 UTC
In general at this point in time - yes. The section of N. America it used to represent it no long in existence. One of the reasons (yes, I know there are many reasons for the civil war that are often not talked about) has to do with slavery. Slavery and racial discrimination, whether those that display want it to be so, are one of the things that flag symbolizes.

Those that decide to display are deciding to display something that symbolizes a previous group of people and section of this country that fought a war to kill slavery in existence. It represent people that were willing to die to keep slavery. People that supported that flag were so pro-slavery they died.

Thank about it.
2015-12-23 22:28:59 UTC
Slavery was not the purpose of the civil war it was based on sectional tensions between the north and the south based on an agricultural south and an industrial north. The issue of slavery was only eventually derived from Lincolns emancipation proclamation which freed all slaves which was simply looked at as a war tactic to disallow the south from gaining foreign aid from Britain which popular base was against slavery.../@/..
Ball Doctor.
2015-12-23 10:27:51 UTC
No it explains history but during that time their was racism all over but that doesn't mean the flag is a symbol of such. These blacks love over using their black card as we submit to it and they still feel wronged from the slavery period. That's like Indians trying to cry wolf. It's a big joke for them to mess with the whites. All I can say is fu** off
Linda R
2015-12-22 15:29:00 UTC
NO. The real name, of the flag, is the Southern Cross.

Remember, just because something was acceptable at a certain time in history...

does NOT mean we, today, have the right to change it.
2015-12-22 17:55:05 UTC
It depends..

Does the person looking at the flag know the history it stood for which included why we have state divisions (instead of a federal government with full control).

If their ignorant, then yea.. It's ignorantly viewed as rasist
2015-12-23 23:56:31 UTC
It's considered a symbol of heritage to the American South, racism to everyone else. But it should be decided by each of the old Confederate state whether or not to continue flying it. Everyone else needs to keep their mouths shut.
jean ann j
2015-12-22 13:30:01 UTC
To some people the flag is racists. It is a reminder of the slave war.

To some people it is a reminder of the relatives and friends that died in the war.
Tad Dubious
2015-12-23 05:23:59 UTC
No. And the Confederacy had MANY flags. The Stars and Bars is just one, used minimally at the time of the war. Peace.
2015-12-22 17:39:56 UTC
Flags don't have opinions, thoughts, or feelings.

A flag therefore is incapable of being racist.
2015-12-22 18:13:10 UTC
and the alternative stars and strips created what exaclty. there is more crime and corruption under the stars and strips not to mention a total break down in society than the confederate flag ever achieved, plus if i may also add more racism is exists.
2015-12-23 12:07:24 UTC
Of COURSE it's racist. It represents what the Southern States have done to minorities for over 150 years. Slavery, lynchings, racism, the KKK. It is SHOCKING to see even African Americans defending this flags existence. It needs to go. I'm not even American and it astounds me. To hell with this "heritage", what heritage is it? Being oppressive to people who don't have the same skin color as you?
2015-12-23 17:18:19 UTC
No. It's their beilf. Our flag can be found racist to native Americans
2015-12-22 19:54:33 UTC
It depends on the context that the flag is used in but the flag itself is not racist.
Jason X
2015-12-23 13:19:18 UTC
The Black Panther's flag is racist.
2015-12-24 16:54:03 UTC
No it is just a Flag we could say today the Stars and Stripes are Racist because KKK members carry it
2015-12-22 19:42:20 UTC
In actuality, no. It represents a group a states that decided to separate from the country and tried to form country of their own and keep their own laws. Since some of those laws allowed slavery they were looked upon as being racist.
2015-12-23 19:12:59 UTC
Id say it largely depends on your motivations for flying it.

There are racists who want to recapture that element of early life. There are anti-patriots and America-haters that want to tear us down. There are people who respect the US, but also value the skeptical, rebellious individuals who challenge the status quo, as even the North did once before.
2015-12-22 17:03:08 UTC
Yep. It's associated with the confederacy that owned slaves and it was also the battle flag for the confederacy in the civil war to keep slavery. Slavery is racist (duh) The confederacy was racist (duh) so the conferderate flag is racist (duh again). As a teen white blonde blue eyes girl from Alabama, its weird how people around here like to deny it. Stupid people. The confederacy lost get over it. Just make a new flag to represent southern culture that doesnt have a racist history
Yours Truly
2015-12-22 13:28:47 UTC
Any symbol can be racist if you want to take it that way. It could be a symbol of racism. It could be a symbol of the greatest test of this countries resolve. It could be about Constitutional rights. Either way, removing it hasn't stopped racism like people said it would.
2015-12-23 20:41:04 UTC
2015-12-23 18:20:52 UTC
2015-12-23 16:47:48 UTC
Without one iota of doubt those southern states that succeeded from the Union held racism and slavery in high esteem... Also they proudly went to war in hope of making their ideal to hold true through-out America........... Also there were several southern states that had to be forced to release their slave even after the Civil War was over and done with............................. So for all of you that still believe that America is still fighting the Civil War want to still hold on to the Confederate Flag Because they want to maintain their false ideal that tens of thousands of men died to prove that those false ideal's of yours to be wrong..............................
2015-12-22 21:24:09 UTC
Most people believe it is and use it as a racial insult, but that was not the original meaning and has nothing to do with the flag itself only the people using it nowadays.
2015-12-26 12:37:56 UTC
Like any symbol it has a variety of meanings, some racist and some not. But I think a high % of the people who obsessively try to defend it are racist.
2015-12-22 15:50:37 UTC
Its a symbol of heritage to southerners for some reason. To black people it's a symbols of hatred, death and fear. So imagine you were tortured and bullied by a classmate or coworker. They did everything they could to make you miserable. Now, imagine they loved roses, wore them everyday, gave it as gifts, etc. You'd eventually hate the sight of a rose, its color and smell because it represents to you all the hatred this person has shown you. For some reason people refuse to be empathetic.
2015-12-24 08:07:18 UTC
It has no meaning for me, as I didn't grow up in North America. However, if it bothers a significant number of people, I would be against displaying it. Our school mascot used to be the Indians, but we changed it because it disrespected Native Americans. Fine with me.
2015-12-23 20:03:49 UTC
2015-12-23 18:18:45 UTC
2015-12-22 20:37:50 UTC
It is only as racist as the confederacy was racist but then again the United States at the time was virtually just as racist as the confederacy at least among whites.
2015-12-23 14:42:11 UTC
Not of itself. The people who use it to declare a desire for the lost times of the south would typically be racist, because the lost times they desire are filled with racism. to want it back would mean the person has to be racist, or stone cold in the heart.
old fart
2015-12-23 05:41:09 UTC
No it was the flag of the southern states that wanted to leave the union.
2015-12-23 15:02:36 UTC
2015-12-22 16:30:14 UTC
Of course it is. The KKK used it as their national flag. All the hillbillies that wave it around are not tolerant of other cultures. If someone says its about their "heritage" or "states right", what rights were they fighting for. Ill answer that question for you, THE RIGHT TO OWN A HUMAN BEING AND TREAT THAT HUMAN LIKE AN OBJECT!!!!
2015-12-23 00:43:59 UTC
Racism is nothing more than a big excuse.

Our present flag is unAmerican. So is the government. When people stop thinking only about "me", there might be some positive progress.
2015-12-23 12:57:38 UTC
2015-12-22 16:39:26 UTC
No it isn't many men fought for that flag! It is a symbol of freedom and it tells us about what happened. IT IS NOT RACIST!
2015-12-22 15:50:08 UTC
Every flag is racist relative to others.
2015-12-25 21:54:45 UTC
no, but with the majority of the people that represent the flag are... probably 8/10
2015-12-24 03:43:44 UTC
It's not the flag that is racist, it is the people who designed it
2015-12-23 14:27:27 UTC
NO! A flag can't be racist.
2015-12-23 13:45:56 UTC
No but those that stood behind it were in majority racists of their time, same can be said of the Nazi flag.
2015-12-22 13:33:43 UTC
Yes, that damned 3' by 5' scrap of fabric (likely nylon nowadays) has a tendency to jump off the pole and whip blacks as they walk by.
2015-12-24 20:23:18 UTC
some people think it is because it reminds them of slavery of their ancestors. The other side of the coin is that flag reminds them of their family members that died in the civil war so they respect it and don't feel it's racist.
2015-12-23 20:38:28 UTC
well.if you display a confederate flag youre proably a racist
2015-12-22 16:45:30 UTC
Yes, but it also represented southern pride as evidenced by the southern rock movement (Molly Hatchet, Wet Willie, Blackfoot, the Outlaws, .38 Special, Grinderswitch, etc).
2015-12-23 16:26:50 UTC
Yes it is. Unfortunately, the Southerners have fought to keep slavery alive and they have failed. Thus, America should all be united under one flag - the Union, original one.
2015-12-24 09:28:17 UTC
Since the flag was made during the slavery period, that s why people refer it to be racist.
Coop 366
2015-12-23 13:02:02 UTC
No, racism came after the Civil War. Most of the soldiers that fought under it did not care about the blacks for we were as poor as they were. We were white and just a little better than a slave to the slave owners.
2015-12-23 13:30:36 UTC
This flag represents "slavery" and a coalition that supports slavery--Slavery was not just "blacks" it also included Asian-persians-and natives---so mostly not --but it meant racial forced servitude--so I would have to say no--but-the flag does lead to racial persecution-so-for the sake of 'General principle" I'll yes-but no in reality.
Jason Voorhees
2015-12-24 03:17:28 UTC
All flags have whatever meanings you choose to attach to them. At the end of the day, it is just a flag.
2015-12-23 12:56:04 UTC
You can take it many different ways. If somebody just has it hanging in their house and not showing it off then probably not. However if theirs some red neck hanging it off the back of his truck he's probably using it in a racist way.
2015-12-23 12:35:15 UTC
God damn right it is! It wasn't always that way - but it has been hijacked by racist haters and now is displayed as a raised middle finger to those who disagree with the bigots.
2015-12-23 09:39:33 UTC
No more that the Union colors. Is the flag that BLMS carries also racist?
2015-12-22 16:25:41 UTC
Mind your own business.The reverse n racism is worse.The strongman is coming to save the world but not the elect is the sad part.The remnant will starve or get their heads cut off.unless Jesus comes 1st and their want be any left behind
2015-12-23 19:55:37 UTC
No, and you only believe it was the flag used by the Confederate army if you are poorly educated, which unfortunately many Americans are.
2015-12-22 16:34:19 UTC
Heritage (I'm a yankee)
2015-12-23 13:12:45 UTC
No, it's an inanimate object, but a lot of racists like to hide behind it.
2015-12-23 14:52:52 UTC
Some people may use it as a racist symbol, even though I don't think it's many.....more people are just jumping on the "it offends me" bandwagon so we can change everything.
2015-12-23 09:00:26 UTC
No - but the people flying it tend to be (proudly so in most cases).

I consider it to be the equivalent to a 'runner-up' or 'participant' award for taking part in the Civil War.
2015-12-22 16:48:06 UTC
I do not think it is racist. The purpose of the Civil War was for states rights. However, believe what you want. But have your facts behind it.
2015-12-23 13:43:27 UTC
Partially, but I rather view it as determiningly against government rule, especially govt. rule, a definite states right individual, other issues would be 2nd amendment types, southern majority rule philosophies (Texas should be a nation) I don't know exactly what you call that. Within that their would exist racism, definitely.
2015-12-22 13:28:08 UTC
Yes, I saw it say that black people are lazy. That's not true. Look at all the hard working black people all over the world. That's racist.
2015-12-24 14:08:01 UTC
I don't see it as good or bad but I don't live in the South or where racism is prevalent. I see it as part of our history. Although it has been used in the here and now as a symbol of racism.
2015-12-22 13:40:15 UTC
An object is only that which one perceives it to be and nothing more. Is a swastika NAZI? Better tell all the Shinto's in Japan because they use it as a religious symbol!
2015-12-23 17:54:17 UTC
no. the only civil war happened because the confederate want to rule their states right that all.
2015-12-22 18:45:53 UTC
It's not. It's a symbol of the south for sure but it does not promote racism, it represents the south.
2015-12-22 22:35:39 UTC
Not so. It is just the flag of the Confederacy, not all of which states had slavery or later segregation.

The King Sleeps
Robert Casey
2015-12-22 16:36:45 UTC
2015-12-23 00:00:29 UTC
Not necessarily it's a part of history so it depends on the persons perception, but I believe any piece of history is important.
2015-12-24 14:06:09 UTC
No, slavery wasn't the reason behind the Civil War.
2015-12-25 06:50:10 UTC
The Confederacy was defeated in 1865, 150 years ago.

There is no reason to be flying it today.

It stood for many things, including slavery - and slavery has long been abolished.
2015-12-23 04:55:00 UTC
Inanimate objects cannot be anything but objects. They cannot even have character.

Only the viewer has the personality or characteristic. If we all agree that blur is green then blue is green but the color did not change.
2015-12-24 17:13:23 UTC
No, it's a real representation and reminder of the civil war that took place in this country.
Mature Than Others
2015-12-24 23:46:33 UTC
Symbols change as time changes. Also, what one thing could mean you, could mean something entirely different to another. A thing cannot be racist, but it could symbolize the idea to some.
2015-12-22 17:59:40 UTC
no the south is rise again im from the south an belive its life dixi battler flag is what the called it in the war
2015-12-22 18:02:37 UTC
First you must define "racist" in somewhat objective criteria, then decide who is the person or group that decides. To some it is "racist" because they tend to see race in everything. To me it can be but for most who have it it is not.
2015-12-23 10:00:47 UTC
No. Its just a flag.
2015-12-22 16:03:24 UTC
It is a symbol of racism and treason against the United States.
2015-12-25 08:25:49 UTC
2015-12-24 19:05:19 UTC
Historicly the flags representation is only a memory.
2015-12-24 15:55:16 UTC
to some as it was part of the civil war to free slaves

and the ones who was fighting to keep slavery had that flag
2015-12-23 01:59:27 UTC
2015-12-22 18:10:22 UTC
Not by itself. But some racists use it as such, so it has become a symbol of racism in some usage.
2015-12-24 08:16:01 UTC
2015-12-23 10:36:37 UTC
No, it was merely the battle flag of traitors to the USA.
2015-12-22 21:01:32 UTC
The KKK say it is.

They also would not fight for it if it wasn't a racist symbol.

They have threatened to kill individuals, over it.
Lord Percy Fawcette-Smythe.
2015-12-23 03:41:18 UTC
Only to narrow minded bigoted morons who see everything as being racist
2015-12-22 20:36:11 UTC
Yes, It's very racist. I offends me allot. Cos I'm black.
2015-12-22 17:53:40 UTC
NO! It's a symbol of country music
2015-12-23 02:56:18 UTC
Only black people think it's racist. It's a symbol of heritage. #repealthe13thamendment
2015-12-24 20:47:15 UTC
Yes, it represents a racist nation that was created for racist slavery. I think it's stupid that people want to keep it. I get it if it's in a museum, but in your yard? It says something about you.
2015-12-23 23:31:20 UTC
Why hold on to the past. Just like slavery blacks were slaves. and the south got their A. S. S. kicked. and will get it kicked again if they would rise up and start some shyt (just being truthfull)
2015-12-23 11:04:59 UTC
Depends on how you see the world. Is it insensitive? No question! As far as racist goes though, it depends on the person.
2015-12-24 22:04:39 UTC
2015-12-24 17:18:58 UTC
2015-12-23 10:30:06 UTC
no... in life we need to be challenged,my veiws are mine... the flag did have some distasteful aspects but they took a side then but now it would have a freedom anti establishment feeling
Brian B
2015-12-22 13:29:03 UTC
Hell yes it is. Its the rebel flag that was flown in defiance to the northern proposition that black people were not to be property.
2015-12-22 15:34:18 UTC
Yes obviously
2015-12-25 09:16:38 UTC
Yes as it separates itself and is against what the american flag stands for
2015-12-22 13:28:44 UTC
no more or less racist than the American flag
2015-12-23 11:53:39 UTC
Yeah if it thinks it's superior to other flags based on its color or fabric.
2015-12-25 07:55:24 UTC
2015-12-22 19:57:00 UTC
No, it's a symbol of history
2015-12-24 16:12:05 UTC
If the Black Americans find it offensive, then Yes it is racist,
2015-12-22 18:54:48 UTC
No, it's history. It's never going to change, get over it.
2015-12-23 10:54:45 UTC
It's an inanimate object.
2015-12-22 20:44:35 UTC
It represents a racist time.
2015-12-23 09:23:49 UTC
No, but any flag Al Sharpton flies is.
2015-12-22 13:28:03 UTC
No. An inanimate object cannot be racist.
2015-12-22 18:47:58 UTC
Only to some people.
2015-12-23 22:25:32 UTC
No. Back then old dixie represented a way of life that people were willing to die for. This way of life included slaves.
2015-12-24 22:47:34 UTC
That's a matter of opinion
2015-12-25 03:25:54 UTC
I thought it just stood for what was the southern portion of the US 200 years ago.
2015-12-23 15:30:14 UTC
no its not but it is retarded for someone to wave it around like the south is gunna come back and win a very old war, those southern hicks need to give that **** up and accept they got smoked! lol
2015-12-23 09:12:36 UTC
A lot of people think it is, so it is. Kinda like how people could see the buddhist symbol and mistake it for a swastika.
2015-12-22 18:21:29 UTC
Only in the eyes of the weak minded
2015-12-23 05:19:18 UTC
The flag that 90% of WHITE PEOPLE LOVEEEE
2015-12-23 22:37:31 UTC
Totally is like the Swastika the original meaning was one but now it has another one very very racist.
2015-12-23 13:29:51 UTC
It depends on who you ask I'm black but I know the past is the past
2015-12-22 13:29:56 UTC
2015-12-23 13:30:58 UTC
It may not be racist, but the people who wield it might be.
2015-12-23 16:14:04 UTC
yes! the most raciest source you can find in America today. It stands for the defense of slavery, period!
2015-12-23 14:24:30 UTC
It can be. Just like a gun can be lethal if on the hands of an imbecile
2015-12-22 21:23:09 UTC
2015-12-23 10:24:40 UTC
It was the South's battle flag.Nothing more.
2015-12-23 04:04:47 UTC
2015-12-22 13:34:28 UTC
Five years ago it was just a decoration nobody gave much thought too.
2015-12-23 09:38:58 UTC
2015-12-24 11:52:27 UTC
Yes and No. It means different things to different people.
2015-12-23 15:51:33 UTC
No. People are.
2015-12-24 13:31:41 UTC
Is the pope Argentinian?
2015-12-24 03:30:22 UTC
That depends on who's waving it,
2015-12-23 10:55:57 UTC
Beauty is in the mind of the beholder !
2015-12-24 07:42:26 UTC
No. Unless when you walk past it it shouts 'Fu*k off you Ni*ger' then how can it be racist?
2015-12-24 06:08:54 UTC
Nah, it isn't lol the south be on bull ish atm though
2015-12-22 13:28:39 UTC
Yes because it represents slavery
2015-12-22 19:12:43 UTC
Racist, treacherous and disloyal! Fu*ck the Confederacy and fu*ck their flag!!
2015-12-23 15:10:01 UTC
2015-12-22 16:11:32 UTC
No it isn't Read history and learn
2015-12-23 00:16:01 UTC
No. Yes. Both
Liberals sequester from fact
2015-12-23 17:15:52 UTC
No. But the democreats who used to fly it are.
2015-12-23 14:42:20 UTC
Of course.
2015-12-23 12:07:27 UTC
2015-12-24 09:29:49 UTC
2015-12-22 16:00:02 UTC
No reminds me of the south park episode "chef goes nanners." watch it.
2015-12-24 08:07:56 UTC
Not at all. It is a piece of American history
2015-12-23 07:18:55 UTC
Is the pope catholic? And is he helping cover up molestation charges of other priests?
2015-12-22 16:58:31 UTC
No it is southern pride. Has nothing to do with racism
2015-12-24 12:39:41 UTC
That's what most people think.
2015-12-22 15:12:51 UTC
2015-12-23 13:46:26 UTC
2015-12-22 13:27:27 UTC
no, but many republicans use it in a racist way
2015-12-23 10:23:50 UTC
Dose it matter, it is a piece of cloth how does that offend you.
2015-12-25 02:39:26 UTC
No . it's not
2015-12-22 22:05:42 UTC
Yes, no matter how much cons say otherwise
2015-12-23 10:26:49 UTC
2015-12-25 19:55:54 UTC
the people who display it are.
2015-12-23 09:00:33 UTC
2015-12-23 17:03:12 UTC
Is the swastiker racist ???
2015-12-25 09:44:41 UTC
Short answer? No
2015-12-22 23:38:14 UTC
izit/ tell us how an historical artifact perpetuates acts of hate?++
2015-12-24 05:23:37 UTC
Most people on here are white and would never understand.
2015-12-22 17:41:15 UTC
2015-12-23 04:11:28 UTC
It represents racism.
2015-12-23 03:09:52 UTC
This question is a fail
2015-12-28 00:59:55 UTC
2015-12-22 19:23:32 UTC
Yes it is
2015-12-23 06:02:52 UTC
didn't even thinkof that, silly how things become such issues
2015-12-24 08:12:30 UTC
no it is culture. the liberalists dont understand jack ****
2015-12-22 18:25:58 UTC
No. It is a sign of respect.
2015-12-22 19:55:11 UTC
No. Of course not
2015-12-25 12:25:13 UTC
no. its just people who give meaning to thing. it has a different meaning for different people.
2015-12-23 19:24:07 UTC
Nope, go Rebels!!!
2015-12-22 21:20:02 UTC
No but the thinking errors do~!
2015-12-23 06:53:54 UTC
NO.... It is part of OUR American History.. People are SOOO Stupid..
2015-12-24 08:36:59 UTC
No, it's not. But saying the words "***-ger" or "cracker" is.
2015-12-24 08:52:25 UTC
no it represents Southern pride
luisa l hi
2015-12-23 03:57:21 UTC
2015-12-24 20:55:57 UTC
Redesign and forget the past and that will be the best.
2015-12-22 20:59:55 UTC
in a manner yes, in another,

2015-12-23 12:24:59 UTC
well you are saying you SUPPORT the act of enslaving MAINLY black people so yeah?
2015-12-25 00:43:59 UTC
no that is only some peoples perceptions
2015-12-22 18:32:06 UTC
Ask this nice black gentlemen
Just Some Guy's Tatum Report
2015-12-23 19:16:08 UTC
What exactly was the Confederacy trying to preserve? the practice of Slavery. Was the Confederacy the last strong hold of Slavery in the World? Cuba & the Ottoman empire didn't end slavery until 2 decades after the U.S. Brazil didn't end it until 4 decades after the U.S. & brought it back on Amerindians only due to the rubber boom. Saudi Arabia didn't end Hereditary Slaver (Chattel/Caste) until the mid 1960s but kept secret through schemes to keep a worker or a migrant captive. Mauritania ended it made it illegal in 2007, It still wide spread in the Shahel (Niger, Chad, Mali & Sudan), just not broadcast. Traditional Slavery (a bit similar to indentured servitude) is still practiced in Sub Sahara.

Traditional Slavery: Payment for atonement, Prisoners, Sexual exploits.

Virgin Teen's (12-16) are given as sex slave as payment to an offended family by the family whose member has wronged or committed misdeeds as punishment. Child Slave Trade sold for $20-$70 in Nigeria & Benin still persist. In Nigeria Chattel, Tradition, & Passive slavery is common among indigenous tribes. The Bantu Neighbors of the Congo (Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Zambia, Angola...) are enslaving villagers of the Republic of Congo. Human Child Trafficking within the Horn of Africa & also exported to Middle Eastern Countries for unpaid labor for preteen boys, & sex slavery for preteen girls still persist. Christians & Animist are enslave in Sudan in wars or raids the women are used as sexual exploits as called for by the Quran.

European & N. American efforts to end slavery in Africa since Early 1900s fails because slavery was born in Africa since the days of Homie-Erectus. Africa is the heart of Slavery that is why Islam was created to preserve slavery. That is why it still widespread in N Africa & the Arabian Peninsula, though not openly as they once were just to portray an image to the world that they are with them in.

The Confederacy accepted their defeat & ended the practice of slavery within the Confederate States for 112 Year & Counting. There were free black slave owners in support of preserving slavery & in support of seceding from the U.S. To distinguish the Confederate flag from the U.S. they adopted the X from the Union Jack of the U.K. . Since it is an American Custom to represent each state with a star, the Confederacy included the stars for each state. Instead of stars & stripes you have stars & cross. It could be skull & crossbones of Pirate Flag, but the Pirates Flag symbolizes Lawlessness & Anarchy not for Governance or Statehood. Slavery will never return in the Southern States as what Slavery does is bring financial burdens & dependency that corrupts self reliance & integrity. The Southern States is very diverse with Mass Migration from Europe (after the Civil War to WWI), South of the Border Countries (after the Civil War to Present), Asia (After the Civil War to Present), The Middle East/Levant (After the WWII), & Africa

Is the Confederate Flag Racist compared to the Brazilian Flag, Cuban Flag, The Saudi Flag, The Sudanese Flag The Azawad Flag, The Cross, The Crescent (Hilal), The Imperial Japanese Flag...?

The Crescent has killed more innocent lives in Genocidal religious conquest since the 7th century to the present than National Socialist (NSDAP) brief & short existence. The Crescent fundamentalist don't take prisoners to house, feed, & cater too unless they are women or adolescent girls they can exploit sexually.

The Catholic cross comes in second in their role in the Inquisition & Which Hunt in Europe, in the Americas to force Amerindians to convert in a brief period in time, thought the cross it self is a symbol of death as it is a torture & execution device predating the guillotine & Jesus Christ.

Ancient Rome, Greece, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Assyrian, Sumeria, Qin Empire, Aztec Empire, Incan Empire, Mayan Empire are all tied for third.

All Communist are in 4th 30 to 40 million died in just two communist state. Mongol Horde Conquest 30 to 40 Million

National Socialist in 5th 6 million civilians massacred in 5 years. Sub Saharan Kingdoms that grew to an Empire sold 12 million slaves 2 million not arriving to destination over 350 Years to Latin Empires (70%), over 200 Years sold to English Empires (25%), though Sub Saharan Genocides have existed since 50,000 BC, if not 100,000 BC.

Imperial Japan 6th place 300K to 1 million civilians in the Orient & the S. Pacific.
2015-12-23 06:03:15 UTC
Where can I get one?
2015-12-23 14:16:59 UTC
2015-12-22 19:29:54 UTC
Yup. Very much so.
2015-12-22 20:05:08 UTC
No, it's stupid to say so.
2015-12-24 19:16:41 UTC
2015-12-22 13:39:54 UTC
Well, our liberal friends certainly FEEL that it is, so it must be, right?
2015-12-23 18:14:35 UTC
2015-12-23 03:47:41 UTC
2015-12-22 19:01:32 UTC
General Robert Lee
2015-12-23 13:56:29 UTC
I don't think so...
2015-12-23 23:08:11 UTC
i can tell u this, No. Who thinks is's racism is stupid. it's not.
2015-12-24 06:43:57 UTC
NO! I am SO sick of jigga boos and wetbacks saying it is!
2015-12-23 09:13:30 UTC
no, just over reacting people
2015-12-23 22:14:11 UTC
2015-12-24 23:35:00 UTC
'Heil Hitler !' That's what it makes me think of.
2015-12-23 11:25:13 UTC
no, as long as you are white and male. OTHERWISE yes.
2015-12-24 16:59:51 UTC
2015-12-25 00:04:14 UTC
2015-12-23 12:16:58 UTC
Only to stupid people.
2015-12-22 15:53:50 UTC
kind off
2015-12-24 07:13:08 UTC
Blacks say it is, but what do they know.
2015-12-23 21:11:43 UTC
No its not
2015-12-22 16:27:24 UTC
no mofo, it don't be discriminating and whatnot
2015-12-22 19:55:53 UTC
No it isnt
Pac Man
2015-12-23 14:25:44 UTC
Gerry G
2015-12-23 07:39:26 UTC
Nope. It sure is NOT.
2015-12-23 19:40:52 UTC
Not at all but your question is.
2015-12-28 14:27:43 UTC
2015-12-23 15:58:13 UTC
2015-12-23 09:01:53 UTC
2015-12-23 08:23:22 UTC
2015-12-23 06:13:16 UTC
2015-12-23 01:49:14 UTC
2015-12-22 19:02:26 UTC
2015-12-22 17:51:08 UTC
2015-12-22 17:48:54 UTC
2015-12-22 17:47:18 UTC
2015-12-22 17:43:56 UTC
2015-12-25 00:52:13 UTC
2015-12-24 09:31:49 UTC
2015-12-24 02:57:57 UTC
2015-12-23 09:18:17 UTC
No, what are you thinking?
2015-12-25 16:49:21 UTC
Hell No
2015-12-23 01:52:37 UTC
not at all same as swastika
2015-12-24 11:39:34 UTC
No - It is Not.
2015-12-24 11:22:16 UTC
2015-12-22 16:27:52 UTC
Weasel McWeasel
2015-12-22 23:11:35 UTC
For anyone saying "No", then please, by all means, explain this picture.........
2015-12-23 16:51:47 UTC
no its not
2015-12-24 06:44:53 UTC
no its not
2015-12-24 11:03:58 UTC
2015-12-23 10:29:45 UTC
2015-12-23 06:21:25 UTC
Martin the baby
2015-12-22 22:28:47 UTC
2015-12-22 18:23:03 UTC
2015-12-22 16:22:21 UTC
2015-12-22 16:16:03 UTC
Yeah, butt
2015-12-22 15:09:23 UTC
2015-12-23 08:04:49 UTC
2015-12-22 18:40:33 UTC
not sure
2015-12-25 12:56:51 UTC
2015-12-23 01:51:38 UTC
No, it is not.
2015-12-22 16:21:43 UTC
No, it is not.
2015-12-25 07:24:17 UTC
No, it is not.
2015-12-22 22:11:00 UTC
2015-12-26 05:57:31 UTC
2015-12-24 05:40:57 UTC
Khush Preet
2015-12-25 03:04:08 UTC
2015-12-23 21:02:24 UTC
2015-12-25 18:40:13 UTC
2015-12-24 05:59:15 UTC
2015-12-24 00:34:21 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.