2007-12-21 06:17:49 UTC
Here are a few Friday goofy questions:
1) If Brian Gionta and Martin St. Louis got into a fight...the winner would be?
2) You visited you mother for Christmas (if she is not alive, sorry) and you find her having “relations” with a NHL player. Let say the ice skates are hanging on the doorknob. lol. What player would you prefer to come out of the bedroom, smoking a cigarette?
3) If you got into a really nasty bar fight, where bottles are being broken on the edge of the bar to be used as weapons......what dirty fighter of the NHL would you like to be your back-up?
4) If you were hired to be the new "organ player" at you local arena, would you play the same tunes, or would you throw some new musical numbers into the mix? I am feeling In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida would be appropriate.
Happy Friday, boys and girls!!!