2009-03-04 13:37:21 UTC
Perhaps NY knows something that many people don’t know? I mean… after all it’s NY.
Difference/creativity/brilliance has always been met with a violent opposition.
Did Sean actually do or say anything that was illegal or untrue? He spoke out of turn? Do you really want players to have a turn? Do you want all players to say the same thing and act the same way? Do you want everyone to agree with the blind leader? Do you really want a stale NHL? / Personally - what attracts me (and keeps me attracted) to the NHL is the difference from other sports. It's that rare breed of young men who have the balls to stand and fight for what they believe in.
It is - but it shouldn't-be JUST the NHL. I belive there’s room in every industry for all types. Wouldn’t you really rather know that Sean’s ex-friends were doing his sloppy-seconds? Wouldn’t you want to see a player expose an unfair NHL rule? (or lack of one)
If he weren’t a good player would you know who I was talking about?