Was the NHL winter classic game rigged?
2008-01-01 21:21:41 UTC
to me it seemed a little odd that they were talking about crosby the entire game on a 'nationally' broadcasted game. they were pointing out his little hacky sack stunt he did but he didnt even score, the spin o roma...nothing happened after. what about armstrong? he scored and all they said was crosby came down and the penguins scored. then to top it off, he happens to be in the shootout, shooting third and its all up to him. hes 1-5 in shootouts as they mentioned, and if you watched it or watched the replay of it on, then you can see how fake of a breakaway it was. what pro goaile (especially miller) poke checks like that. any one else think the same as me?

and to add, all they showed for replays was crosbys moves that did absolutly nothing for the team, just him showing off.

ps...lets go rangers!
26 answers:
2008-01-03 17:44:59 UTC
No, don't think it was rigged. Yes, definitely SICK OF SID!!
2008-01-02 03:33:23 UTC
As much as I'd like to buy into this I will have to say no. I was also sickened by the fact that all they did was market "the kid" but when you have someone like that you have to. They really have to stick with there bread and butter. It was kinda odd how the game went to a shootout and he scored but that is just life.

two things that bugged me:

First was the fact that they didn't show any cool shots of Buffalo during the game. The NFL always shows shots of the city they are playing in on MNF (Monday Night Football). That was a shame we have a beautiful city that has a lot to show! The NHL walked in blew the ticket sales, took over our town, took over our football stadium and featured "the Kid" not the host city!!!!

Second thing I have to ask is why didn't Max Afinigenov and Thomas Vanek show up? and why were they not in the shootout? oh and why didn't they Zamboni the ice before the shootout?

other then that I really enjoyed the game and the hype (except the Sabres loss as well lol) it was good for our great sport. wonder when the NHL will send us a thank you card for being good hosts? (sorry I'm a typical Buffalo fan who feels under appreciated!)
2008-01-02 07:11:59 UTC
No, I don't think it was rigged. I think they talked a lot about Crosby because it was on NBC and he'd the most marketable player in that game, and one of the most marketable players in the league. That's why they talked about him a lot, and that hacky sack play, was pretty good.

As for the breakaway, I've seen that a lot, sometimes it works (seen it work more times than not) and sometimes it doesn't. Of course Crosby will be in the shootout, he's one of Pittsburgh's best players, you wouldn't place your best scorer on the bench for a shootout, would you?

I watched the game and thought it was pretty good, thought Buffalo outplayed Pittsburgh, but Conklin stole the game for Pittsburgh. Miller probably would have had a shut out if Buffalo had played that first minute instead of 'soaking up the atmosphere'.

PS, not a Pittsburgh or Buffalo fan, but thought it was a good game.
2008-01-02 07:56:44 UTC
I do not think it was rigged but I'll bet you dollars to dough nuts that every NHL Brass person was wicked happy when the "Cros" netted that goal. The NHL Rating are pretty shirtty (Take out the R) Showcasing the "Next One" is good for the game. Stinks if your a Sabers fan but hey deal with it.

Have you ever tried to bounce a puck off of the tip of your stick over a defenseman in a game and not been all out flattened? I was amazed that he did not end up in the third row, that was unreal. That Savard Spin has been done a million times. It is sexy but it is nothing spacial.

Why all the negativity to Sid the Kid? They were blowing sunshine up Ryan Millers butt too. National broadcasts are always crappy compared to your home town one. At least it is not Joe Buck doing a Red Sox Vs. Yankees game w/ the brother of one of the Yankees doing play by play(See Fox's Coverage of the 2003 ALCS). Gary Thorn does a good game.
2008-01-02 00:58:07 UTC
I will agree with one thing - he should not be compared to Gretzky or any other superstars - it's far too soon, and although he's a great player, he's not what he's yet been made out to be. Yet - maybe soon, but not yet.

The rest of what you asked about was ridiculous. To suggest an NHL game is rigged - or even that it could be - is silly. Can you imagine the intricacy that would be involved? Can you imagine how many people on both sides would have to be involved?

They talked about Crosby the whole game because he is one of the most popular players in the league - that's what announcers do.

Silly idea, silly thought, silly question.
2008-01-01 23:59:54 UTC
How 'bout you quit letting your hate/resentment for Sidney Crosby blind your judgement so you don't sound like a joke?

Crosby goes 3rd in the shootout a lot, actually:

Now, what pro goalie (especially Miller, playing for a team that's never won the Cup and lost its 2 co-Captains) calls himself a professional athlete and competitor if he throws a game? Poor Ryan Miller. Nobody thinks he has any pride apparently.

Colby Armstrong scored a garbage goal. If Sidney Crosby doesn't come out playing like he was shot from a cannon and make that move, Armstrong doesn't get the puck right at the doorstep of the net (he said it went right to him). That's called a "play". Crosby's a "playmaker". It all makes sense when you actually think about it, instead of jumping to ridiculous conclusions.

Man, NBC showed just as many replays of the hits that took place in the game (like a Sabres player flipping Brooks Orpik over and Brian Campbell colliding with Ryan Malone). They showed replays of saves made by both Ryan Miller and Ty Conklin. They replayed that questionable penalty by Colby Armstrong. People easily upset by (or I'm convinced, slightly obsessed with) Sidney Crosby only seem to notice the things concerning him.

ADD: He's had gamewinners before... But Sid actually doesn't have a great shootout record. It's always nerve-racking when he goes down 3rd. I'm not at all suprised that he went five-hole. He's been trying to shoot and score five-hole for games.

It was a nationally televised game where NBC & the NHL were trying to sell his name and face because whether anyone likes it or not, he's getting to be a well-known hockey player. He's selling the sport. The Pens played Buffalo their last game, Saturday, and FSN Pittsburgh doesn't even talk about Crosby all game like that...

Personally, I don't think anyone made any moves as nice as Crosby's anyway. Not Vanek, Afinogenov, or Evgeni Malkin. Ryan Miller, Henrik Tallinder, and Brian Campbell were Buffalo's best players. Besides a couple nice saves, nothing but Campbell's hit on Ryan Malone was worth replaying really (his goal wasn't even that pretty).
2008-01-02 09:45:09 UTC
I really don't think it was rigged and I don't think you really believe it was either. BUT I couldn't help thinking the same thing as I was walking out of the stadium. Crosby, Crosby, Crosby......That is all the NHL hyped, but I think the game was good publicity for The NHL, and they can use it.

Miller didn't play in the shootout as good as he usually does, but the conditions were not great. It was a fair game, because both teams played in the same conditions.

It was a disappointing lose for the Sabres fans, but I think every one had a great time.
2008-01-01 21:55:21 UTC
National broadcasters are going to emphasis key players. When there is a name like Sid's, a lot of nonhockey players will know it. Players that transcend the reputation of their sport is what the NHL is looking for.

The last NHL player that did this was Wayne Gretzky. The nonhockey fans need a player to bring the NHL back to them. Sid is being used to do this. The hope is that he lives up to it.

The great thing about this is even Gretzky knows it, and is hoping Sid sparks the increase.
2008-01-01 22:06:35 UTC
I don't believe the game was fixed... but if the NHL could script an ending... it would have gone down just the way it did. What upset me is that it went to a shootout... the whole national audience got to see the worst part of the current day game.
2008-01-02 06:43:55 UTC
I can't believe I'm reading this today. Crosby got press all game long because that is what happens in NHL today.

Hockey fans who watch a lot of hockey would see the crap quality of a game being played outside in a blizzard. Even golfers know enough to get in out of the rain.

Was the quality of the shootout of usual standard? No the conditions were crap. To quote Heals on the Leafs game Tuesday night. He had to stickhandle through a snowbank before he got his shot away and Miller had to poke check through that same snowbank. Crap conditions = Crap play. But as Clarkey said thank God nobody got hurt.

Conspiracy? No! Crappy game? Yes! Bad idea? Definitely!
2008-01-01 21:40:39 UTC
i don't think the game was rigged. but i do agree with it being too much about sideny crosby. this game was the nhl's way of showcasing a player that they hype up way too much. i really don't think crosby is all that good. i mean he's a good player, but there are others out there just as good that don't get any attention.

and for the game being a way to showcase cosby, i really don't think that was fair. the game should have been about playing hockey how it was originally meant to be played--out in the elements. and i do believe buffalo should have been showcased a little more as a team since the game was held in their home city.

i was kind of dissapointed in this game. i was hoping for it to showcase hockey to the non-hockey fans out there and bring in some fans to this amazing game. but, all it did was add to size of crosby's head by hyping him up wayy too much.
2008-01-02 06:53:17 UTC
I doubt it was rigged, but I, too, was pissed off at all the crosby stuff. I was watching my local (Buffalo) news last night and the only clip they showed was of crosby scoring in the shoot-out, over and over and over again, with jennerette (sp?) saying "score" over and over and OVER again. THAT was the only clip! Don't they think Buffalo wants to see their players??? Even if we lost, it was still a good game with many good players, not just crosby.

I also agree with you about Armstrong. Listening to the radio after the game, the announcers were talking about how Crosby got the Pens a goal in the first, and I was like, ", he didn't." They didn't even mention Armstrong!

But again, I don't think it was fixed; I just think people are stupid.
2008-01-02 22:44:43 UTC
Okay first the penguins, at the beginning of the 3rd period hadn't had a shot on goal in over 30 min. thats not possible. second the sabres wouldn't seriously put in Afinogenov in any shoot out, no offense to a great player but he has not preformed this year at all ( 18 pts and a +/- of -10). Lindy would never had actually put him out there. all in all it was a great publicity stunt for NBC (lets talk about slap shot in between periods because we dont actually know anything about hockey) and crosby.
2008-01-01 21:29:13 UTC
THE GAME WAS NOT RIGGED. Gosh, people need to stop thinking that.

Buffalo had plenty of awesome chances too.

They were talking about Sidney alot because...uhm, well he might just be one of the biggest players in the league.

And those moves they showed of Sidney were pretty fine I must say.

And Sidney is usually ALWAYS in the shootout! It's usually, Christensen, Letang, and Crosby...and thats exactly how it was during the game.
2008-01-02 08:01:21 UTC
Yeah, giving attention to star players all the time !!!! They should be giving all the lip service to the real heros on the fourth line. Yeah, that's it. We need to sell all the Andrew Peters' of the game, the guys who never show up on the stat sheets for anything good. You can read all about Sid the Kid in the boxscores, it's the little guys who build this country. Yeah. I say we march down to City Hall and protest, who's with me ????
2008-01-01 21:41:26 UTC
Do you not like hockey? Publicity is good for the sport. Publicity today, was SID! If you dont market him, people dont get excited. I am talking about the casual fans they are trying to get back. Grow up. Hockey is big business. Big businesses market products. Do you think they would have trucked in snow to make it wintery before the game if they had known for sure it was going to snow? Its all marketing. Shove it down your throat until you buy it. It is the American way and it will remain that way.
2008-01-02 06:10:05 UTC
Definitely rigged.Didn't anybody find it odd that the two refs happened to be Tim Donaghy from the NBA and Rick Tocchet.Goal judge just happened to be Pete Rose and Jim Taylor.Something was VERY fishy.

ZAM-You forgot they were really bored since they purposely brought down the towers and Pentagon a few years back.
Awesome Bill
2008-01-02 02:12:11 UTC
Welllll, I'll put it this way;

While nothing really stands out to the point where I feel it was rigged - even if The Croz scored the game-winner, I will say that with all things considered, there is nothing that can definitively deep-six the notion either.
2016-04-02 12:01:04 UTC
Beaver Stadium Penn State University
2008-01-01 21:39:23 UTC
good excuse for all Crosby/penguins haters. Dont get me wrong I hate both just as much as the next person, but conspiracy theories are for wierdos......dont be wierd.

Yes, I hate Crosby sooooooo much and I hate how hyped up he is. He is a good player, sure, I'll give you that, but there are better players who are all around good players.

Ps.....go sharks!!!!!!!!!!!!
2008-01-01 21:47:05 UTC
Totally rigged.

Bigfoot, D.B. Cooper, and the Loch Ness monster planned the whole thing during the last meeting of the Skull and Bones society.

They have all been bored since they staged the first moon landing.
2008-01-02 06:09:23 UTC
Not a chance! It may appear that way, but it's just the goofiness of the broadcast team.

Go Rangers?
2008-01-02 07:48:04 UTC
Care for some Chardonnay to go with your Smokey Jarlsburg?

I think that's a rant. Let me read it again.

Yup, it's a rant. And a terribly whiny one at that.
2008-01-01 22:17:22 UTC
It was rigged and they scheduled the snow for added dramatic effect.

Miller poke checking in a shoot out.

You are right, he would never poke check on a penalty shot, it must be fixed.
2008-01-02 06:29:06 UTC
Yes it ws rigged, so was the snow, the ice being chipped, the wind, and Zam's people planning it.
2008-01-02 05:06:02 UTC
Simply put, no.

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