Hello, Please don't hurt me
1. What would you do to improve this category?
Have an Nhl'er ask a question once a week
2. What would you do to improve the NHL?
Im happy with the way it is currently....hmmm cheaper beer at the arena :o)
3. What do you think the biggest trade will be this summer?
I don't know...Maybe Brad Richards getting traded somewhere ? These things always surprise me.
4. WILL Nick Lidstrom stay or go?
I hope he stays a couple more seasons. It will definatly take some getting used to when he's gone.
5. If you got a new red pontoon boat would you mess it up putting stickers of the logo of your favorite team on it?
LOL, uh well I don't put stickers on my car so...probably not. Be nice to have a boat though.
6. What is the farthest you have traveled to see an NHL game?
Within city limits...but Ive seen games in Vancouver, Calgary, Winnipeg, Toronto and Montreal. I lived in all these cities.
Extra Inquiry: Why does Christina Aguilera think the red lipstick looks good and do YOU think it looks good.
I can't stand red lipstick, I think i looks waxy lol...I like lip gloss better ...and Im not a big fan of CA I don't think she's attractive, im more of a meerkat type :O) heheh
*When the season is over I always look forward to draft day*
I love playing fantasy hockey on yahoo but I get really disapointed when thats over (finishes right before the playoffs start) its a really good way to get to know players and stats. So I go through double withdrawl....Enjoy the finals !