GREAT QUESTION!!! Leafs fans are by far the dumbest, most obnoxious, and classless forms of life on Planet Earth and possibly all other life bearing environments of the universe. Yes, Flyers, NYR, and Canadiens fans can be cocky and hard to be within 100 km of sometimes, but at least they have something to be proud of. Leafs have 40 years of failure, haven't won a cup, haven't come close, nada, zilch, zip, zero, none. Now most Leafs fans will stubbornly point out their 14 cups in every debate over how bad their sad franchise really is, but how many of them were actually ALIVE when the greatest miracle since Jesus happened in 1967??? How many actually watched it??? How many think the glory days back then make up for all the dark times since??? How about the fact there were only 6 teams so winning the cup back then was much easier then now??? How many cups would the Oilers have won if they played in a league of 6 with little or no player movement??? I'd say their dynasty would have easily reeled off 10 to 15 cups in 20 years competing against only 5 other teams while keeping all their hall of famers together. So, in reality 14 cups in a century is really not a big deal, especially since most of the cocky Leafs fans didn't even see one of them.
Even after you point out all this, Leafs fans still blindly say how loyal they are, how much tradition their team has, blah blah blah. First of all, if you really cared about the franchise and had half a brain, you would STOP going to games and stop selling out the unjustly highest priced arena in the NHL, so the Teacher's Union would stop stuffing their pockets and consider selling the team to someone who actually cares about hockey and not the bottom line. Is loyalty really collectively shelling out millions of dollars a year to a corporation who couldn't care less about NHL hockey?
Secondly, the tickets at the ACC are so expensive that actual working class people can rarely afford to go. The big part of Leafs ticket sales are from businesses and big companies who use the tickets as incentives or tax write offs. It has been widely reported that the Leafs are the most corporate-appealing NHL franchise because they're based in Toronto, Canada's media center. The Leafs have gone out and created hundreds of streams of revenue, including LeafsTV and their fans have stupidly and repeatedly paid through the nose to watch and support a miserable NHL product, leaving the organization absolutely no incentive to put a successful team on the ice.
Possibly the worst characteristic of Leafs fans is how they hide away in other Canadian cities, disguising themselves amongst the population, but coming out when the Leafs come to town. Last year, when the Leafs came to Vancouver, GM Place was probably 1/3 to 1/2 full of the blue and white fungus. They screamed oh so loud for the first period, which ended 1-1. But after the Canucks took over near the end of the 2nd, the Leafs chants had completely died and by the game's end (6-1 Canucks) the building looked very empty as all the Leafs fans had quietly crawled back into their little molehills for 3 years, when their beloved Laffs will return. Had the Leafs won that game, the city of Vancouver would have never heard the end of it for 3 years.