Which NHL team's fans are the biggest jackasses, Flyers or Maple Leafs fans?
2007-07-16 19:30:25 UTC
Both fans are lower than pond scum, but which are the most vile?
35 answers:
2007-07-16 20:31:02 UTC
GREAT QUESTION!!! Leafs fans are by far the dumbest, most obnoxious, and classless forms of life on Planet Earth and possibly all other life bearing environments of the universe. Yes, Flyers, NYR, and Canadiens fans can be cocky and hard to be within 100 km of sometimes, but at least they have something to be proud of. Leafs have 40 years of failure, haven't won a cup, haven't come close, nada, zilch, zip, zero, none. Now most Leafs fans will stubbornly point out their 14 cups in every debate over how bad their sad franchise really is, but how many of them were actually ALIVE when the greatest miracle since Jesus happened in 1967??? How many actually watched it??? How many think the glory days back then make up for all the dark times since??? How about the fact there were only 6 teams so winning the cup back then was much easier then now??? How many cups would the Oilers have won if they played in a league of 6 with little or no player movement??? I'd say their dynasty would have easily reeled off 10 to 15 cups in 20 years competing against only 5 other teams while keeping all their hall of famers together. So, in reality 14 cups in a century is really not a big deal, especially since most of the cocky Leafs fans didn't even see one of them.

Even after you point out all this, Leafs fans still blindly say how loyal they are, how much tradition their team has, blah blah blah. First of all, if you really cared about the franchise and had half a brain, you would STOP going to games and stop selling out the unjustly highest priced arena in the NHL, so the Teacher's Union would stop stuffing their pockets and consider selling the team to someone who actually cares about hockey and not the bottom line. Is loyalty really collectively shelling out millions of dollars a year to a corporation who couldn't care less about NHL hockey?

Secondly, the tickets at the ACC are so expensive that actual working class people can rarely afford to go. The big part of Leafs ticket sales are from businesses and big companies who use the tickets as incentives or tax write offs. It has been widely reported that the Leafs are the most corporate-appealing NHL franchise because they're based in Toronto, Canada's media center. The Leafs have gone out and created hundreds of streams of revenue, including LeafsTV and their fans have stupidly and repeatedly paid through the nose to watch and support a miserable NHL product, leaving the organization absolutely no incentive to put a successful team on the ice.

Possibly the worst characteristic of Leafs fans is how they hide away in other Canadian cities, disguising themselves amongst the population, but coming out when the Leafs come to town. Last year, when the Leafs came to Vancouver, GM Place was probably 1/3 to 1/2 full of the blue and white fungus. They screamed oh so loud for the first period, which ended 1-1. But after the Canucks took over near the end of the 2nd, the Leafs chants had completely died and by the game's end (6-1 Canucks) the building looked very empty as all the Leafs fans had quietly crawled back into their little molehills for 3 years, when their beloved Laffs will return. Had the Leafs won that game, the city of Vancouver would have never heard the end of it for 3 years.
2016-05-20 02:21:13 UTC
Leafs fans are the most loyal fans in the NHL. It's also why you could have 3 other teams in the Toronto area (not that I am suggesting it) and it would not hurt the Leafs at all. The loyalty is to a fault though as they are not as demanding as they should be of the team. The problem is also the Toronto media; I think it must be unbearable to play there with all the scrutiny and innane comments they have to listen to.
2007-07-16 20:08:30 UTC
Being a Pens fan, I'm obviously not fond of the Flyers or Flyers fans in general, but I wouldn't say they're more vile or tend to be jackasses more often. They're just passionate. (Haha, also, my best friend is a Flyers fan. She's definitely not a jackass, buddy.)

It takes a bigger person to root for a lowly team, rather than being a bandwagoner. Bandwagon fans with no loyalty, less passion, and usually less knowledge are the ones who are jackasses.

However, there are jackasses among EVERY team's fanbase... Like those (half drunken) morons who booed 'O Canada' in the Igloo during the Sens/Pens series. I wanted to hunt those people down for making us Pittsburghers look so classless.
2007-07-16 19:46:49 UTC
So let's see, you think that the fans of two teams who have not delivered the big reward over the last 30 years+ are pond scum because, despite the fact that they have not been given the championship that as fans they both deserve, they have remained passionate and loyal to their teams. That seems logical to me.

Get a clue. Both cities have knowledgeable and passionate fans. What exactly have either done to be termed pond scum besides rooting for teams that have let them down? Sticking with their teams puts them below fans in cities where they completely bail out on their teams because they go on a 3 game losing streak?
2007-07-17 07:46:21 UTC
Wow, great answers all around , i love it when hockey fans

start getting their knickers in a knot and the blood start to boil !

That being said, I'll agree that the person who said that Maple leaf fans crawl out of the wood work whenever their

beloved Buds show up at another teams arena.

Most of the leafs fans are incredibly loyal, but they also seem to be blind to all the blunders that the management makes trying to turn the team into a contender.

The leafs going to suck again this year, but the ACC will be full anyways.

Go figure.
2007-07-16 20:23:09 UTC
Maple Leafs fans. Trust me, I know, I'm a Leafs fan living in Toronto, and a good chunk of the city are Leafs fans as well. With the exception of PuckDat (at least on the forum), about 90% of people living in Toronto are conceited, selfish jack-as$es. All they think about are themselves and themselves only and couldn't care any less about anybody else.

They're also very, very lazy. "Oh, it's too cold/hot to walk, so I'll just idle my car with the a/c/heat on in front of a mall and wait. Oh, and gas prices are too high." Gee, I wonder why the hell it's too high...

They also don't take the blame either. It always has to be someone else's fault or problem. Take the city's transit. They're always asking for money. When they finally get more riders through promotions (because they need money), they ask for more because they forgot one minor detail: they forgot to hire more staff to keep the system going! So now they're whining more than Crosby on a phantom stick to the government and public for more money. Hell, they're increasing fares on a crappy system (for example, nothing's ever on time, staff are rude and ignorant, etc, etc) because they screwed up.

Kim Jong-il really needs to take a nuke to 401 and Yonge; he'll be doing the world a favour by getting rid of some idiots.

Remember, kids, like drugs, say "no!" to Toronto! I can't wait until I get out of this cesspool....

So, factor in the number and what kind of morons are in this city who thinks that they're right all the time and the fact that the Leafs are more of a culture in the city than a sport, gotta go with Leafs fans.

Oh, and...uh...go Leafs go...
2007-07-16 20:37:18 UTC
Pond scum? are you a stupid Jackass?! you have no right to say that Any leaf fan or Flyer fan is POND SCUM, everyone is their own person, like WTF its idiots like you that make me angry, i honestly think you need a good pound in the head, Like come on, i might only be getting angry because im a leafs fan, but flyers are still an amazing team. i hate when people like you that dont know Squat abot hockey ask stupid idiotic questions like that, it makes me angry, and honestly i know quite a few people who would love to get their hands on you. Your Vile Pond Scum, not hockey fans, if your dissing leafs and flyer fans, then your dissing hockey fans in general, now do me a favor and never ask a stupid question like this again.
2007-07-17 15:51:06 UTC
Make Belief fans are just a laugh as they overrate any Laff player. Flyer fans are a bit looney tunes so I'd go with them. Vile is not a term I'd use for any group of hockey fans as none of them approach the depths of soccer fans in some nations.
2007-07-17 02:05:47 UTC
xtra bigs, I disagree on the MLB part. I saw Detroit and Oakland in last year's ALCS, and though I received some bullsh!t, it wasn't like it was life threatening, or even scary, and I was in a Detroit hat and sweatshirt, cheering my a$$ off. Now, NFL....if the Lions and Raiders were playing a game at the coliseum, first off I wouldn't even go. Second, if I did, I would be in plain clothes and silently cheer for Detroit. Raider fans are not only crazy, their retarded. I remember seeing a video of a Bronco fan that got stabbed at a Raider game, just for wearing a Denver jersey....F U C K THAT! It's one thing to be a fan, and give someone a hard time, that's your business, but when you start pulling out the shanks, that's when it goes a little too far.

Oh, but to answer the question f u c k the flyers, they suck, and their fans suck.
2007-07-17 07:15:43 UTC
Judging from the fans that make the trip to follow their team to Tampa, the Leafs fans have shown great sportsmanship and courtesy. Philly fans, on the other hand, have been rude, crude, trying to start fights, and shouldn't be allowed in a stadium where children are brought to enjoy a sporting event.

I do have to say that I have met one Philly fan at the games who was atypical. He went out of his way to shake hands after his team lost. I went out of my way to compliment him on being the lone true ambassador for his team.
2007-07-17 11:15:48 UTC
|Flames| |Fan|
2007-07-16 19:35:21 UTC
I dont know How bad the flyers fans are, but i would have to pick them because i live in toronto (not a big leaf fan, only live here) and i dont find that the leafs fans are that big of jackasses, so yea i'd have to go with the flyers
2007-07-17 14:07:19 UTC
My only personal experience with lousy fans was with Duck fans. The were vulgar in front of children and loud and obnoxious.
2007-07-16 19:41:48 UTC
Spittsburgh. Ha ha ha ha. Before you couldn't even spell dufus and now you are one. Both the flyers and leafs have very knowledgeable and passionate fans. The teams make lots of money. You could not afford to put your sad floppy rump in a seat at a Leaf game. When are the Penguins moving? Bottom of the league team and fans. Without Mario you people would have lost the team long ago Jackass!!!
2007-07-16 20:49:55 UTC
Dude, its no question, its flyers fans, and that also goes for the nfl, nba(which sucks), and the mlb. Philly people are just generally *** holes, and no, I am not a philly rival, I live in MN, Im just stating the facts.
Wings Fan!
2007-07-16 19:39:37 UTC
Well the Flyers fans are supposed to be the most intimidating in the league........I wouldn't call them jackasses though, same goes with Toronto, i don't think they're jackasses, just good fans.
2007-07-17 05:42:27 UTC
If only being able to choose from these two i'd say Flyers. But overall the Red Wing fans are the worst. By Far!
2007-07-16 19:40:04 UTC
Worst fans:

NHL - Flyers

MLB and NFL - Oakland (never wear opposing colors there)

NBA - Sixers or Knicks

Sports Overall: Soccer, by far the most deadly spectator sport. Too many teams too close to each other with absolutly no security or serious repercussions plus they are extremely racist in some places, like black and south american players being called monkeys from their own HOME fans.

There was that one guy who took the ball off the field during a game because he could not take it anymore, he played for one of the two Milan teams.

I cant find his name but here are some interesting stories:
2007-07-16 19:34:38 UTC
Maple Leafs Fans
2007-07-16 20:47:51 UTC
hahahahaha to the dude who put NFL oakland -never wear opposing teams colors.....i take it you learned the hard way huh? the black hole is kind to other colors, as a raider fan I have seen my fellow raider fans do some stuff to other people not liking the raiders lol i really dont have a problem with either fans, there all hockey fans in the end thats all that mattesr man.
2007-07-17 04:46:43 UTC
close a devils fan so i see more of philly than toronto. So i would have to say philly, but the few times i have seen the toronto fans, they've been just as bad
2007-07-16 19:34:01 UTC
Gotta go with the Flyers though i do respect them for sticking by their team through this past season.
2007-07-16 20:08:28 UTC
Flyers. At least from the idiots I go to college with. All the Leafs fans I have met seemed nice enough.

The best part about Flyers fans was their amazing disappearing act last season. At least the Leafs fans stick around during losing seasons.
Awesome Bill
2007-07-16 19:52:08 UTC
The most vile fans are those that ask such asinine questions.

I guess it's the safety of anonymity that makes you feel superior.
johnny d lvr!
2007-07-17 08:46:39 UTC
ok sry but IMMA FLYERS FANN!! nd i LOVE goingg to their games!!....n i love all my co-fans! lol... we totally stick by our team no matter wut their goin thru...sure theyy had a bad last season but they'll def come back with our support!!....but seriously why even ask the question?? are you juss tryin to get a rise outta people??....nd can i ask wut teamm yewr a fan of?? nd i have no comment on the leafs bc i've never seen their fanns...sry i couldnt help = P...

**yeahh and i rly appreciate being called "pond scum"
2007-07-17 12:19:08 UTC
Red Wings and Maple Leafs!!!
Gene D
2007-07-16 19:35:29 UTC
Definitely Leafs fans.
7th man
2007-07-17 00:11:08 UTC
Umm this is an easy one.....The Maple Leafs! Simply because Canada Hates the U.S. They say we don't deserve to have hockey teams in the U.S. Guess what, where not going anywhere so put your big girl panties on and DEAL with it!

Thanks for the 2 points. =D
USA - U Suck Azhole
2007-07-16 22:06:01 UTC
lol - hey suspended, the Canucks are somthin to be real proud of? you guys changed your logo, jerseys and colors once a decade and they all look like ****. of all the canadians teams left , the canucks is the only team without a cup history (if you include the sens as an expansion team - they suck **** too)

vancouver never won ****, ain't ever gonna win ****, maybe you'll lose your NHL team like you lost your NBA team!!!

now crawl back into your little loser village and screw your crack addict whores. maybe build yourself a teepee whore house in time for the olympics
2007-07-16 20:34:17 UTC
Flyers because it doesn't matter what team in Philidelphia it is their fans are jackasses.
2007-07-16 19:41:16 UTC
Whichever team you cheer for would get my vote since you asked this question Hero.
Bob Loblaw
2007-07-17 08:25:34 UTC
I have an idea. Tape that question to your forehead and go to a Flyer game and see for yourself. I am pretty sure you don't have the gonads for that though, you feel more comfortable hiding behind your computer screen and asking it. Grow some ballz and go find out for yourself.
2007-07-16 22:06:55 UTC
Not one of your choices but I'm going to say Vancouver anyway. They are real aholes.
2007-07-16 22:38:52 UTC
both cause both teams blow nuts
2007-07-16 19:33:21 UTC
idk i guess Maple Leaf (i dont know either of em)

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