Perhaps I am baised. But to be honest, everyone will be. And you'll get a lot of different reasons. To what the guy above me said, not everyone who hates them "doesn't know them". You can't generalize like that. I'll explain in a bit.
Mine are:
-I have this thing where I reject something if I'm overwhelmed with unfounded support. Guess where I live? Vancouver.
-Before I even became interested in hockey, I had a favorite team.
-The first thing I can remember about the Canucks was the Bertuzzi thing (Which was a team thing, not individual, as I see it). Sickly enough, the people around me supported it, further pushing me away.
-I don't like the way they are playing. I mean, I do in some instances (I think the way they've been coached exceeds any other team.), but the diving? I notice. Kesler and Burrows especially, but I've watched the Sedins go down from nothing, Luongo, Lapierre... guilty. Again, I see them far more than any other team, beside my precious Ducks, and so I guess it just happens that way that I feel they do it the most.
-I watch some of these dirty plays by Canucks and it makes me dislike them bit by bit. The Rome hit, the biting, Hansen's umadbro hit, Torres had several... That whole cup run was disgusting.
Again. Some people are haters because of rivalries, which I think is fine. Some people are haters because of the riots, which I disagree with. The CNNs and Foxs would only cover the riot, but there were thousands of people who had that city clean the next morning thanks to a united effort (Which I felt like I played a role in. I sent the facebook page to the local news, who promoted it) I guess i'm a hater because of my exposure to them.
It's not general hate. I don't hate everyone. It's complex. Raymond is in my top 5, I like Oreskovich, I liked Bure and Naslund. I just don't like them right now. And I refuse to until I see a consistency of stuff I don't not like. I'll give them more chances. They're my local team. They deserve it. But for now? **** them. Quack quack, starred mother *******.