Why do people hate the Canucks so much?
2011-11-10 22:08:05 UTC
What makes this team hated so much? I gotta admit that Burrows biting the finger was dirty and I don't like the way he is when it comes to that but he is a good player. And why are people hating on the Sedin's. Is it because they have awesome chemistry and can succeed. What about Kesler, he's gotta be one of the most respected guys on the team. He's a sniper, body checker and gets the job done. In the the Finals and in the playoffs, he worked his butt off to get the cup. He shed some tears after too on live. That's some respect from me for him. You gotta admit that the Sedin's aren't the toughest guys around but they don't wanna get that involved. The riot was basically stupidity and immature. The real fans didn't start that. I know that Luongo is getting older, but come on, he's not that bad. It's not like he let's in so much goals in one period. Yes the Canucks choked in the finals but they could of won the Cup when they had Bure and instead he wanted a trade which caused the team to not win it. You got some respected players of all time Canucks, Linden, Naslund, Bure, Smyl and even Kesler. Why are they hated? I never understood why. 10 points is here for grabs. Thanks
Eighteen answers:
2011-11-11 05:47:54 UTC
I'm sure your hearing most of these hate comments from westerners. Out here in Ontario and eastern Canada they don't hate the Canucks, I have to admit we were a bit embarrassed over the riots. We kinda expect that from Montreal and thought that people in Vancouver had more class than Quebecers. But we don't hate the Canucks for it.
2011-11-11 02:44:02 UTC
I live in BC. The Canucks' biggest problem is Canucks fans. Beyond that, the team dives a lot and makes quite a few complaints to the refs (something even they've admitted they're working on). Kesler, the Sedins, Luongo and a lot of other Canucks players are very talented, as is the team as a whole, but they do love to complain. Hockey (IMO) is about sucking it up and just playing the damn game. Admittedly, that's not what it is anymore, but the Canucks seem to be at the forefront of the pussification of a once-great sport.
2015-01-26 20:52:53 UTC
Some people are rude and inconsiderate. They may be jealous that their team is further down or they kicked their butts so they didn't make the playoffs whenever. But some of these comments are rude.

Some people say Canucks fans know nothing about hockey but that is sooooo dumb. How would they know.

Do they know ALL the Canucks fans. Exactly. They're my favorite team and I just ignore the haters.

Take it from Taylor Swift.

"the haters gonna hate hate hate hate"

Just shake it off.
Neon Genesis
2011-11-11 16:14:56 UTC
Sedins are divers, Burrows/Lappiere are goons, people love making fun of Luongo, Luongo's comments after Game 5 of the SCF, Torres/ Seabrook incident, and who can forget the Bertuzzi/Moore incident.

The riot just added the fuel onto the fire.

Kesler, Malhotra, Bieksa (argueable) are a few of the respectable guys on that team.
2011-11-10 22:25:22 UTC
Perhaps I am baised. But to be honest, everyone will be. And you'll get a lot of different reasons. To what the guy above me said, not everyone who hates them "doesn't know them". You can't generalize like that. I'll explain in a bit.

Mine are:

-I have this thing where I reject something if I'm overwhelmed with unfounded support. Guess where I live? Vancouver.

-Before I even became interested in hockey, I had a favorite team.

-The first thing I can remember about the Canucks was the Bertuzzi thing (Which was a team thing, not individual, as I see it). Sickly enough, the people around me supported it, further pushing me away.

-I don't like the way they are playing. I mean, I do in some instances (I think the way they've been coached exceeds any other team.), but the diving? I notice. Kesler and Burrows especially, but I've watched the Sedins go down from nothing, Luongo, Lapierre... guilty. Again, I see them far more than any other team, beside my precious Ducks, and so I guess it just happens that way that I feel they do it the most.

-I watch some of these dirty plays by Canucks and it makes me dislike them bit by bit. The Rome hit, the biting, Hansen's umadbro hit, Torres had several... That whole cup run was disgusting.

Again. Some people are haters because of rivalries, which I think is fine. Some people are haters because of the riots, which I disagree with. The CNNs and Foxs would only cover the riot, but there were thousands of people who had that city clean the next morning thanks to a united effort (Which I felt like I played a role in. I sent the facebook page to the local news, who promoted it) I guess i'm a hater because of my exposure to them.

It's not general hate. I don't hate everyone. It's complex. Raymond is in my top 5, I like Oreskovich, I liked Bure and Naslund. I just don't like them right now. And I refuse to until I see a consistency of stuff I don't not like. I'll give them more chances. They're my local team. They deserve it. But for now? **** them. Quack quack, starred mother *******.
2016-10-17 12:50:44 UTC
The followers interior the international have been extremely respectful and admired. They applauded and congratulated the bruins and Thomas have been given extremely an ovation. specific Bettman became booed yet he's a fuçking fool and has worked no longer common to earn those boo's. As for the rebellion, the individuals who began it got here with bandanas to conceal their faces and Molotov cocktails of their bag. i do no longer think of they ever had any purpose of taking area in the sport. The riots could have got here approximately regardless. Anarchists and hardship makers see a huge crowd (with quite some emotion) to conceal in and bounce on the prospect to wreak havoc. in spite of the fact that, there is not any denying that there have been those drunken, immature Vancouver followers who did connect in, yet they did no longer commence it. i in my opinion think of that the police could desire to have been extra vigilant in battling this from occurring interior the 1st place. They be attentive to that extensive activities like those draw out the hardship makers so they could desire to have been there waiting to place an end to it till now it even began.
Allison P
2011-11-11 16:09:49 UTC
Because the Canucks were in the Stanley Cup final last year and their team wasn't. Jealously makes people crazy.
2011-11-11 00:25:38 UTC
im sure everyone has their own reasons for how they feel about the canucks..some possible reasons could be...........

- they just like seeing good teams crash and burn.

-they are jealous that their team isn't as good

-just plain hate canadian based teams in general

- they strongly dislike one, or multiple players on the canucks

-their favorite team is the canucks rivals

- they don't know the first thing about hockey but its cool to hate on the canucks and rub the recent riot in their face

-they are trolls and have no legit reason to dislike the canucks

-canucks knocked their fav. team outta the playoffs last year

i can keep going but im sure one canuck hater or another fall under one of those possible options.

...i would be lying if i said i liked the canucks in any way possible,but for some odd reason i can't help to respect them.
2011-11-10 22:22:43 UTC
People don't hate that much on the team as much as they hate on their fans, They whine like crazy, they think their team is the best NHL team that exists.

Its always about Canucks that Canucks this, Trust me. If canucks win a game there will be question on how great Canucks did, and If canucks lose a game they would say some bs like "oh didnt watch the game" or "they are always bad in November.
2011-11-10 22:24:28 UTC
I don't really understand why people hate the Canucks. I love how they play and nowone mentions the bruins when they were really dirty in the finals. People complain about how the sedins dive and stuff but Stamkos dives, Ovechkin Dives, Crosby Dives and pretty much every player dives. The riots were stupid. Alot of rioters came from Seattle. How do I know this? I knew Canucks fans wouldnt riot and I'm not lieing I asked like 50-100 people where they came from. Some said Calgary, Toronto, Seattle, Winnipeg and Boston.

I think Vancouver deserves alot of respect but I don't really care what other people think about my team.
2011-11-11 21:28:02 UTC
Everybody hates the team that's on top. To bad it isn't Vancouver. :,(
2011-11-10 23:59:43 UTC
Don Cherry isn't right very often, but I think he was bang on two weeks ago on why people don't like the Canucks. (Skip to 6:28)
2011-11-10 22:16:20 UTC
Based on what other people say:

Sedins are soft/ divers

People hate Lappy and Burrows

They hate our fans. Even though the ones they hate aren't even fans. They are bandwagons

We "choked" in the finals

They think Luongo is a sieve

^^^ That is what fans of other teams say about the Canucks. They don't REALLY know us.
2011-11-11 08:23:02 UTC
People hate on the great. Like me.
Jon Nyhan
2011-11-11 10:23:08 UTC
diving, biting,crying to the refs all things that me want to puke.
2011-11-10 22:13:27 UTC
i have no idea
2011-11-10 22:22:46 UTC
Cause canada SUCKS NUTS!!!! 8=======D~~~~
2011-11-11 18:39:32 UTC
idk i like them a little

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