I've been to several Rangers games and 98 Yankees games, so I've seen alot of fans from different teams, and I gotta say, after going to 2 games against the Phillies and today against the Flyers, Philly fans are probably the coolest of the bunch. All of other team's fans have big mouths, but I've never had a problem with a Philly fan. I even had a chat with a guy in a Giroux jersey. Usually talking to the other teams fans means telling them to shut up or go home, or stop picking on Arod, but we were actually civil. Not to mention, every single Flyers fan I saw stayed to watch the entire 7-0 butchering, so they're loyal too. Why do these fans have such a bad reputation? Is it because of a couple of incidents with a couple of idiots which all teams have?
BQ: Hartnell fell down more times than the Rangers scored, what's wrong with him?