Coffee Friday. Can you answers these random Hockey questions?
2008-03-14 07:53:28 UTC
Coffee Friday.

1) Slap Shot, Backhand, One-timer, and etc. Are there some “shots” that have not been invented yet? Or have they all been named and done?

2) Have you ever been so tipsy (in the young one’s cases – super Kool-Aid sugar rush) that you forgot about the teams switching sides, and you were yelling for your team to clear the puck, when in actuality they were in the attacking zone? Should I have kept that question to myself? LOL.

3) Should all arenas have retractable roofs?

4) What NHL trophy is the least important in your eyes?

5) Congratulations! You have been hired by Y! Answers as the new “Director of Operations”. What is the first thing you would change about the hockey section?

6) Bottle? Can? Glass? Or Keg?

7) I hate it when singers close their eyes, to hit a high note (totally unnecessary). Do you think it is necessary for SOME players to bite their bottom lip (or tongue) in order to make a slap shot?
26 answers:
2008-03-14 08:01:37 UTC
Batting the puck out of the air doesn't really have a "quick" name yet. I think all the others ones are taken.

Oh yeah, I was booing when my team scored, the fans around me had to correct me. In my defense, the teams jerseys were similar colors.

Yeah why not.


Screening process prior to entry. Just a easy five question survey, answers reviewed by the more respected memebers of the group lol.

All of the above. Love Keg beer. Love it out of the bottle. But i never complain. I'd say big German mugs are the best though. In the US gotta go with a pitcher and a straw. But i'd probably drink beer out of a shampoo bottle so my opinion means nothing.

Not really, but it doesn't bother me. I catch myself doing it sometimes. At least they don't do the tennis grunt lol.
2008-03-15 09:10:48 UTC
Been out of town for a day or so missed the questions until now.

1. The cue poke. Its kind of like a butt end jam of a lose puck into the net. It has to be subtle so the goalie doesn't know that you're the only one that knows where the puck is.

2. It only happens when I'm playing.

3. Only in the summer.

4. The Trico Goaltender Award. Can't find any record of the trophy since Roy retired?

5. Any questioner that asks who the hottest player is will be banished for life. All Sid fans must take a reality test. Ice Hockey will have it's own forum and Field hockey won't be plagued with all these questions about sharks and things. That's just for a start.

6. Been looking at canoes the last couple of days. Camel packs seem the way.

7. All hockey player should have to take a Michael Jordan tongue out pose when making a shot on net.
2008-03-14 08:23:05 UTC
1) Hmm, the whole lacrosse-style "hotdog" move that Sidney Crosby can do, Ovechkin attempted in the breakaway contest at the All-Star Game, and Evgeni Malkin once attempted during one game this season, just might require its own name. What to call it though?

2) ...Totally kept it to yourself. LOL. Just kidding. Umm... I may have done this before while sober... BUT very tired.

3) Naw. They seem like too much of a hassle. Plus they're just no good after a certain amount of time. Well, God forbid a team have to use an arena as old as the Mellon Arena with a retractable roof.

4) The Lady Byng. I don't mind the award, and it has its history, but it's just a "nice guy" award.

5) Separate sections for ice hockey and field hockey sounds good. (I actually feel bad for those few field hockey people who ask a question here once in a blue moon and get told they're annoying for it. I mean, they don't have their own section.) However, one section would be "Field Hockey" and the other would be "Hockey". We've had this discussion here before. It seemed like the general consensus is that the "ice" is not needed. After all, nobody plays "AstroTurf Football" versus "Grass Football".

6) In this order: bottle, glass, can. It all depends.

7) Haha, I have a more embarrassing one that some singers do to hit high notes but would be loathe to admit. Anyway, I have wondered about this tongue out business lately. I don't see the biting of the lip as often. The tongue thing seems pretty common though. I would definitely bite mine. I couldn't tell you if it's necessary for some players though.
Amy B®
2008-03-14 08:30:06 UTC
1) How about the bitchslap – a slap shot followed by a glove in the face. (I think they’ve all been done . . . )

2) No . . . not that I recall ;-)

3) That would end the “Where will the next outdoor game be?” questions in the future.

4) Presidents Cup.

5) Publish Puck Bunnies Yahoo Profiles. Actually, I would add field hockey and lacrosse sections and make Hockey a main heading . . . It's in a class all by itself.

6) Bottle.

7) Not for a slap – but maybe a wrister ;-)
2008-03-14 08:08:33 UTC
1) There's probably one or two. I can't think of any possible names.

2) No but when I was on extreme pain killers last November for my back I petted my little cousin's head with my foot.

3) Just the football ones.

4) President's Trophy. So what if a team did really well in the regular season. The real trophy gets handed out in June.

5) I'd the name to Ice Hockey and make a separate section for the Field Hockey people. It would probably get as many questions as the handball section but it would filter those questions out of here.

6) Surprise me.

7) It's a mental thing. On a separate note, I hate it when singers go for unnecessary high notes.
2008-03-14 13:54:06 UTC
1. Creativity...someone will come along with an unseen shot, and blow us away with it (I think his name will be Ovechkin).

2. Does being hopped up on meds post-hernia surgery count? Watching the Penguins/Rangers with Megs, I kept screaming "Where's Jean Ratelle?" Freaky stuff...

3. Imagine the possibilities, although I would love to see it done in "Original Six" arenas only. Let's face it: some of the newer teams' fans wouldn't appreciate the concept.

4. I would have to say the President's Trophy, because it's a lame attempt to placate a team that had regular season success despite not winning the Stanley Cup. That's what's all about kids!

5. How about all the bs violations for "chatting"? That's why I'm not on here as often as I would like to be. When you have people post stupid Lil' Wayne and other non-hockey questions, along with the racist/sexist crap, yet the Yahoo! Police want to give violations for "chatting"? Lame.

6. Bottles and cans, just clap your hands...just clap your hands!

7. I think they are trying to copy Michael Jordan's hanging tongue when he would go for a dunk or an inside shot. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery...or something like that!
2016-04-08 01:49:00 UTC
1. Well most of my relatives in Canada are Leaf fans or at least know who the Leafs are. And the ring can't have been in India. Say I did have relatives over here who weren't hockey fans, I would ask them for it, but I would try and downplay the value enough that they don't decide to keep it but I still pay them enough money so that I don't feel cheap. 2. How did I get into this steakhouse in the first place? I'm a vegetarian. I guess I talk to Wayne about his childhood and his family background. He was related to Sir Isaac Brock so his family history would be pretty interesting as well.
2008-03-14 11:08:21 UTC
1) The cheater, hitting in the puck in with your glove.

2) No, and I'm insulted you asked.

3) Hell yes. Every game can be a cheesy remake of the winter classic.

4) Lester Patrick.

5) Have 1 official who's gonna win the cup, and ban all other who ask. Also, dissing hockey will be treated as a nefarious insult resulting in banning from Y!A and loss of ALL yahoo priveliges from your IP address, so no new accounts.

6) Bottle, no beer, just liquor for me.

7) It is, but don't w/o a mouthgaurd. I've seen a guy bit a big chunk of his tounge off doing this for the long jump...
Laying Low- Not an Ivy Leaguer
2008-03-14 08:25:27 UTC
I always love your questions Haley!

1)Has the one that goes up and then hits on the goalie's back and goes in the net been named? Simply "The Pop-Up"

One that gets stuck in the net cam can be called a "See-Thru Wedgie"

Most obvious is an own-goal called a "McCabe"

2)Pixie-Stix for the little ones. Cocaine for kids. And no, I haven't gotten that wasted at a hockey game. Now other times.......

3)Yes, with super heavy-duty suction hoses to remove all the puckbunnies. I was at a Wranglers game last Saturday and 4 of them sat right in front of me, with their stupid texting, etc. Grrrrrrrrrrrr.

4)The NHL Bud Light Plus/Minus Award given out since 1983. While I can understand the importance of the stat, to give a trophy for it seems silly. Just another marketing tool to make money from naming rights.

5)First thing, Field Hockey gets its own section.

6)One of those Heineken Draught Kegs with the Cherry 2000 carrying case.

7)No, but I'm sure some goalies are doing that when Chara tees one up from 5 feet away. Didn't Giguere duck a few weeks ago, not necessarily from Chara? Now if they can only find a way to cut Avery's tongue out....
2008-03-14 11:42:38 UTC
1) i don't think so, maybe if more players start shooting one handed when they get in close to the goalie they will call it the shovel or something

2)unfortunately i wasn't drunk, but i was watching the game on tv and i was really tired, and my team scored and i got really pissed, then a few minutes later i realized what the score was and was confused for a little while

3) probably not, it's too much of a hassle for southern arenas that are never really going to have a reason to open them

4) probably the presidents trophy, but i think the prince of wales and clarence campbell are just as equally worthless b/c no one really cares that you won them rather than you lost the stanley cup

5) get it face time at

6) it depends, when i drink in the shower, i'd like a bottle, when i am drinking cheap beer, a can or a keg, when i am trying to enjoy the look and taste of the beer, a glass

7) probably not, but did michael jordan need to stick his tongue out when he dunk, i'm not going to question anyone's motives, some people just have things they do, its involuntary, like watching the john mayer face whenever he plays guitar, he looks like he is having a seizure
Alex M
2008-03-14 12:56:39 UTC
1) the shaft shot. I used it when I played pond hockey with little kids and their dads to even things out. You basically turn your stick over and shoot with the tip (I have no knob on mine). 10 bucks if you can raise it!

Also the diving header. Can you disallow a goal for 'heading' the puck in like you would in soccer with a ball. I think not!

If you broke your stick you can skate full speed, slide on your belly and knock the puck in with your face (or pass it I suppose).

2) No. And I've never tried Kool-Aid sugar rush but it sounds really good.

3) Yes!

4) Lady Bing. How the f--- do they decide who wins it anyway. Oh that's nice you have no PIM, you're such a sweet heart. Gee golly whizz, here's a pretty trophy for you.

5) I unsensor the word F--- since it is in the everyday hockey vocabulary.

6) glass Bottle

7) Yes. Because it puts fear into the goalie's eyes.

If you watch carfully Daniel Alfredsson always opens his mouth and makes an angy viking face every time he takes a slapshot. Even when it's just to dump the puck.

Like so

And Heatley like so
Wings Fan!
2008-03-14 08:09:27 UTC
1. Some way or another they've all been done.

2. I can't say I have.

3. None should.

4. The one the Wings might unfortunately win at the end of the regular season. Why can't an Eastern team win it every year?

5. I would take away the report feature, and let every one be themselves, whether they are as mean as the Devil, or sweet as an Angel.

6. Light beer=can.....Any other beer=bottle.......I just want to get sh!tfaced and I really don't care=Keg.

7. It's not necessary, but seems just fine to me.
2008-03-14 15:04:32 UTC
1. Idk

2. Nope

3. Totally

4. Presidents

5. Add a puck bunny section to keep them out of the actual

hockey section

6. Idk

7. If it works why not
2008-03-14 08:16:40 UTC
1. I heard an annoucer say *tee'd it from the ladies tees* a few days ago

2. If I am that hammered I wouldnt remember doing that. But I am betting I have done worse things.

3. Cool Idea for Football, not hockey.

4. Presidents Trophy. Until everyone has a balanced schedule and plays everyone atleast home/away I dont think you can compare all teams.

5. Require a Hockey Knowledge Test to be able to answer.

6. Bottle, but drafts Lites are $1.75 at my home bar, bottles are $3.50. I go with draft there. Only time I go with can is when no glass is allowed (ie Nascar race, beach, poolside)

7. We all have quirks. Mine come out when making the O-face!
2008-03-14 08:25:17 UTC
1) I was told in pee-wees that I had a popcorn fart shot?

2) No, I been hammered but still know what side each team is on.

3) No, only indoor NASCAR facilities

4) President, who the hell cares who wins the regular season. But I guess Buffalo has to have something to brag about.

5) I would get a violation notice and an account termination before my position is finalized

6) Keg in pint glass

7) As long as they don't bite to hard, I don't want to see a tounge laying on the ice.
2008-03-15 07:06:52 UTC
Erica: People call that the Michigan Goal.

1.) The batting out of the air.

2.) I didn't try to score on my own goalie I swear!

3.) Only in the North!

4.) Lady Byng! Gentelmanly conduct? Wat the heak?

5.) No more questions about stanley cup and NO puck bunnys.

6.) Can.

7.) Dang that would hurt if he slipped!
Awesome Bill
2008-03-14 09:10:13 UTC
1) How about a rebound off the noggin?

2) I tease a lot of my friends who are Steelers fans. I was at an Eagles game once and when we emerged from the concourse where our seats were, I told my drunker-than-me buddy that we were on the wrong side of the stadium because I couldn't see the Steelers logo in the 2nd half. I told him to go on ahead of me and I would catch up to him later. That was a quiet ride home after the game. (nyuk, nyuk, nyuk)

3) No, just the ones that serve burritos.

4) Presidents Trophy.

5) Anything goes. No reporting, no thumbs down - just thumbs up.

6) Uhh, keg, what else is there?

7) Just as long as they keep it there until I crosscheck them.
Like I'm Telling You Who I A
2008-03-14 16:58:21 UTC
1) I think they've all been invented

2) No, never been that tipsey Ms. Haley Healey. And yes, if this has happened to should be emnbarrassed!

3) Yes, to let the snow in between periods

4) Jack Adams Trophy

5) I get rid of violation requests not signed by a cuircuit judge

6) A cask would be best

7) Yes.

Still love ya Mrs. Healey!
2008-03-14 08:36:15 UTC
1) This is the newest shot out there, it's called the Shillelagh. (about 25 seconds in, then some replays)

2) No. (Should have kept that one to yourself.)

3) No, they should all be open air arenas, especially in SoCal, Phoenix and Florida.

4) The Lady Byng. It's an award for the biggest wuss in the league!

5) I would put a legitimate appeals process for violations, including actual people to review the questions that have been reported and reprecussions for people who report for no apparent reason.

6) Bottle

7) It worked for Michael Jordan, if they want/need to stick their tongue out or bite their lip then so be it.
Sara :)
2008-03-14 17:39:42 UTC
1) Pretty sure all the good ones have been named and done.

2) LOL, not yet anyway.

3) Sure!

4) Lady Byng

5) ROOT OUT STUPIDITY and puckbunnies.

6) Mega Keg

7) Nope
DAZzle (Doing Stuff, Since 1987)
2008-03-14 10:15:53 UTC
1) i agree with Iceman, 'batting the puck out the air' is too long it could be shortened to 'volley'

2) =)


4) none of them

5) that would take to much thinking about and i'm not in the mood

6) bottle

7) i think some players close their eyes to make a slap shot
Bob Loblaw
2008-03-14 09:50:29 UTC
1.) Erica...I think somebody decided to give the one you mention a name already...the Michigan goal or something stupid like that. LOL

2.) Can't say I have.

3.) Gives a whole new meaning to the Outdoor classics and ironically, this thought crossed my mind recently and then left, leaving it hollow again. I find we are often on the same page...very weird. Dump him.

4.) Masterson..........basically it is an award for coming down with some sort of disease.....and fighting it. What would you have them do....give up? Refuse chemo?

5.) Works for me as is. I guess I don't like getting all of my Q and A's deleted by crybabies, so I would get rid of the woosies. Also...ONE IP Address = one account.

6.) Can of beer, glass of Vodka and Cran

7.) I guess so. Just habit.
Jay Argentina
2008-03-14 08:06:51 UTC
there is a new one ... but sorry some havent been cleared for its release yet.

me tipsy never. im sure u havent been either, have ya

yea then cant say his ego wont fit in the building

the lady one... i mean come one rewarding someone for being a wuss geesh

hahahahahaha no more screen names i want to see who these trolls really are. and if you get caught trolling then give you over to copas's wife and her big stick so the troll can also be "shafted" in copas's words


yeah it a sign of greatness ... i do it when i play pool, jordon did it when he hit the big shots. tongue action showes you have desire and willing to finish. YOU want the ball, puck in your hands to win it all.
2008-03-14 08:11:27 UTC





6) Keg

Red Wings Queen19
2008-03-14 08:56:37 UTC
1) I made one up... Bullet shot! (Thats like Zdeno Chara) lol

2) Yeahhh that happened to me before, I started to yell and my dad looked at me like i was crazy, before he explained that. And it wasn't Cool-Aid it was Caprisun.

3) That would be cool

4) Well, to the people that earn them, its very important, but to me the Plus/Minus isn't that big of a deal

5) To not be allowed to report people

6) Glass (If i did drink)

7) Lmao i think its just a ritual. Just like when Tennis players sound like Sumo wrestelers when they hit the ball with their racket. HAWH!!!!!!!!!!
2008-03-14 09:38:09 UTC
The Batted in mid air, the kick have not been named yet.

Once, my neighbers got so mad!

Yes the should

Presidents, they never usually make it far in the playoffs, it always jinxes the team

Trolls and give everyone their old files back

Bottle, you don't waste it as easy, and easier to drink out of, you get the full drink!

There will be blood! Love that movie and there will be but when Avery does it acid will pour out.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.