MLB,NBA,NFL,NCAA teams have home team in white. Why does NHL reverse this?
2006-04-05 12:53:58 UTC
MLB,NBA,NFL,NCAA teams have home team in white. Why does NHL reverse this?
Fifteen answers:
2006-04-05 12:55:57 UTC
actually the NFL(most teams) have their home jerseys as their darker jerseys. Three years ago all the NHL teams swapped jersey colors for what most owners called "a change".
2006-04-05 21:57:08 UTC
NFL and NCAA (football) usually have dark jerseys as home jerseys, and in baseball, the home team has white or colored jerseys, because its actually more about the away team wearing grey. It just change for the NHL about 3 years ago for no important reason.
2006-04-05 19:57:52 UTC
In the NFL, the only home teams to wear white are Dallas & Washington. All other teams wear dark jerseys.
2014-03-30 19:59:20 UTC
Got my High School 23 Lebron James Green NCAA Basketball Jersey from this site last week
2006-04-05 22:23:56 UTC
The majority of NFL home jerseys are the darker colour.

I think it was about 3-4 years ago, the NHL had white as the home colour, but seeing as the darker colours sell better, they figured they make them the home colours.
2006-04-10 22:24:55 UTC
Way back when I started watching hockey...during the first expansion 1966-67 the home teams wore their darks was changed for some reason and changed back the last few seasons!!...alot of teams show off their alternate jersey at home now....more revenue from jersey sales
2006-04-06 00:29:20 UTC
Because those other sports make money! The NHL is hurting and has offered this to its fans as retribution for an entire season lost. What's next? Third jerseys or something?
2006-04-05 20:02:40 UTC
Jersey selection is at the discretion of the home team and must be submitted to league officials in April.

Basically it's up to the team.
2006-04-05 20:23:15 UTC
Most Leagues all were dark at home exception of a few teams in all leagues wear white at home , so this isnt unusual most home teams wear dark colors.
2006-04-10 15:32:15 UTC
Because Gary Bettman bites. As a die hard hockey fan I'm not too happy about a bunch of the changes he had made since becoming the commissioner.
2006-04-05 19:56:40 UTC
they are trying different stuff I don't like it. You know some nfl teams don't wear white uniforms like the pittsburgh steelers.
2006-04-06 00:26:52 UTC
to change it and promote jersey sales!!
2006-04-05 22:59:16 UTC
cause hocky rox
2014-07-01 01:20:44 UTC
2006-04-11 22:41:15 UTC
its better because it colorful

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