1) Never been a big Shakespeare fan. His poem Venus and Adonis was pretty good. In Midsummer Night's Dream isn’t there someone or something named Puck. Yep, my mind is always on hockey.
2) It’s funny you ask this. People in Tampa are the WORST drivers ever. Ask ANYONE who has been here. I have the same routine, whenever I get flicked off. Okay, so I am driving down the road, and I accidentally cut someone off. They pull up next to me at the upcoming red light and flick me off. I smile really big and start waving. Then usually they will flick me off again. I smile and wave again, and then I point to them and then I point to myself, and lip-sync, “Do I know you?”. Most people will drive off by that point. I did have this one guy that motioned back for me to roll down my window. I cracked it, thinking he was going to throw something at me. He yelled, “Hey, F-You!”. I responded while giving him a rolling-the-eye look, like he is loony, “I love you too man! Have a great day”. LMAO! It really is funny when people are soooo mad, and you are soooo pleasant. Also, as another tip. When people start getting to close to the rear of your car…instead of hitting your breaks, pretend like you are drinking out of a flask, and the start swerving on the road. It is really amazing how quickly people back off.
3) It is very nicely landscaped, thanks to my fiancé. It’s weird because both of my parents are really into gardening, flowers, plants, and spending hours screwing around in the lawn. I am just not really into it. I do have an herb garden that I take care of, but I keep it on the windowsill inside the house, so I suppose that is cheating.
4) Hales is my nickname, but only a few people call me that… I was called Egghead in elementary school, because I was really into speed skating, and I had a huge white round helmet. It looked silly, because my head is pretty small.
I hope you also have a great weekend.