NHL: FRIDAY questions and musings?
2008-05-23 04:48:30 UTC
SO, we can now say we'll be watching the NHL tomorrow; what a long week! Anyway, as none of us want to work, let's get this long weekend (Memorial Day is Monday here in the States) off with some silliness.
1. Have you ever read Shakespeare? If so, what's your favorite? I teach, and I am doing Midsummer Night's Dream now with my 8th graders.
2. When you get flipped off for doing nothing wrong in a car, what do you do? It happened to me this morning and my instinct was to get the guy to pull over so I could slap him...but cooler head prevailed.
3. What characteristic about your yard/property do you love? My backyard is just under an acre and coming to life with all kinds of flowers and new tree growth!
4. If your nickname (from friends or family) is different than your avatar name, what is it and why? Spaceboy is my college nickname in college cuz I used to drift off into dream land a lot. Growing up it was Turk, after Derek Sanderson, of whom I am named (Derek).
Have fun Saturday!
25 answers:
2008-05-23 04:57:45 UTC
1.) I've read a decent amount of Shakespeare, I took Brit Lit in high school. My favorites would have to be Macbeth and a couple of his Sonnets are great.

2.) Speed up and give it right back, don't f*** with me in the morning, I'm not a nice person.

**Blowing a kiss is a nice way to ruin their day too.

3.)The back side of our property faces a very busy road, but there are alot of trees and bushes that create a very private setting.

4.) Alot of people just call me by my last name... Big Al is used alot. I don't really have anything out of the ordinary though...Some friends called me Arnie for a while cause I did a killer Terminator for Halloween one year, but that faded.

***Turk- on the subject of ghostwriters and what not, I read somewhere that many believe that "Homer" was a pseudonym for a female who wrote all those literary classics, but feared she wouldn't be taken seriously... Thoughts?
auntie gladys
2008-05-23 12:24:41 UTC
1. Grew up in England, so did Shakespeare for Eng. Lit. First and favourite was Henry IV part 1. For some reason people think it's funny that a. I can still say Hal's soliloquy (even if I can't spell it), but b. I like to do it in a fake Birmingham accent, which is roughly how Shakespeare would have sounded.

2. Ah, they're going to have fun slagging off dreamy drivers no matter what I do... good luck with the blood pressure meds!

3. Our yard angles with the neighbour's so it looks like a huge yard, but we don't have to mow it all! New bird feeder is an extra mothers day pleasure.

4. They call me Mom. Sad but true. I left all those longstanding nicknames in England.

Edit: Oh Griggnax, I'd forgotten about Titus! Everyone, even if they're not into the Bard should go see the 'Reduced Shakespeare Company' - the complete works in a 2 act play, with special mention of Titus Andronicus - hilarious. They do the Bible, too, I can imagine that goes down well in certain quarters...
hockey_gal9 *Biggest Stars fan!*
2008-05-23 16:42:55 UTC
1) Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, King Lear, The Taming of the Shrew, A Midsummer Night's Dream, MacBeth. The first three I listed are my favorites.

2) I haven't been flipped off in my car. The only time I've been flipped off by a complete stranger was in New York. I was standing outside a Starbucks and a lady came walking down the street. She looked over, flipped me off, and kept on walking.

3) The lilac bushes and the pick cherry blossom tree. When they're blooming they smell soooo good!

4) Jag, after the county K-9 unit dog. I can be just as tenacious as that GSD. Although Jag's a sweetheart when he's not on the job.
2008-05-23 13:32:18 UTC
18 years of formal education and I have never had to read Shakespeare. I read a lot so at one point I tried some Shakespeare- not worth the paper it is printed on. I never could get into it. Of the "classics" I like Joseph Conrad, Homer, Franz Kafka, Fitzgerald etc but give me Tom Clancy anytime and I should not admit this but I own every Louis L'Amour western- there are way over 100.

2) I like Haley's approach, when I drove a rusty ****-box pickup I did not get flipped off as my vehicle was crappier than theirs.

3) My original home where I grew up and still get back to regularly is on the ocean. I guess the best feature is that you can catch lobster within sight of the house.

4) no real nickname
2008-05-23 13:13:12 UTC
1. My fave Shakespeare (and I've read everything the man wrote - I was a Lit major in college) is "Titus Andronicus". Check it out sometime, it would make a GREAT Quentin Tarentino film.

2. I do nothing. The person doing the flipping is obviously mentally unstable and my mom taught me to not pick on the retarded kids.

3. I love the wildlife that visits...birds of all kinds, squirrels, chipmunks, raccoons, deer, cats, rabbits, etc. I love to sit on my back deck and "commune with nature"!

4. I've had a lot of nicknames over the years, but these days people just call me by my given name. My fave nickname is "Pat-O" (long story), because only my best friend in all the world calls me that, and he lives 3000 miles away, so when I hear it, I know it's him!
2008-05-23 13:01:23 UTC
1. It was actually a requirement for my high school that we had to read a Shakespeare play every year in English class. I think it's interesting that in every play everyone dies. Julius Caesar was interesting. (My brother did a mock remake of it where there's five minutes a fighting, constituting the first act, and followed it with a guy coming out at the beginning saying "Everyone's dead. Go home.") So was another play that had a Scottish name that holds a lot of bad luck saying it's name.

2. If I'm getting flipped off, I probably deserved it. But I usually reciprocate.

3. ......I got nothing.

4. I don't want to say.
2008-05-23 17:14:38 UTC
1. Have you ever read Shakespeare? If so, what's your favorite?

Yup... I've always loved Hamlet... read it many, many times!

2. When you get flipped off for doing nothing wrong in a car, what do you do?

Depends on my mood, and where the driver is. Usually just laugh and if the opportunity presents itself, flick a cigarette towards his/her car.

3. What characteristic about your yard/property do you love? I live in so california... i dont have a yard/property.

4. If your nickname (from friends or family) is different than your avatar name, what is it and why?

i have a billion nicknames... speedk0re is just something stupid i used on aol in like, 1998 because i was into speedcore (gabber) music, and the normal spelling was already taken... just kinda stuck
Laying Low- Not an Ivy Leaguer
2008-05-23 16:23:16 UTC
1) Julius Caesar. I remember listening to a recording of Mark Antony's speech in 8th grade( coincidence) after Caesar gets stabbed. "O pardon me tho bleeding piece of earth, that I shall be meek and gentle with these butchers!", and thinking how powerful that was.

2)I'm usually not alone in the car, so I can't react like I want to. Don't want to endanger my son. Now when I was 19, I had a 1973 LTD that I didn't care about, so I would challenge people. Stupid youth.

3)I have about 1/4 acre total, which is big for Las Vegas, and a 3-car garage. Desert landscaping isn't too exciting, but it is easy to maintain. No grass to cut! If I don't move away, I plan on putting in a sport court.

4)"Iceman" for real. In high school I played varsity baseball (catcher)and football, where I was a safety. I knocked out a WR on a crossing pattern one game in 1978, and some of my teammates started calling me that. But it is so common now, I decided not to use it here.
Sweety Singh
2008-05-23 15:01:55 UTC
1. In grade 7 we read A Midsummer's Night Dream, and now in grade 9, last semester we read Romeo and Juliet. Romeo and Juliet is good and all, but it's everywhere. I prefer Hamlet myself.

2. Too young to drive.

3. I love the new patio set we got last week, unfortunately it's been to windy to go outside and have a BBQ.

4. Sweety really is my nickname. Basically every Indian kid has their real name and then the nickname that is used at home by relatives.
Cat Loves Her Sabres
2008-05-23 12:35:09 UTC
1. Shakespeare with middle schoolers, huh? Ambitious! I don't know if it exists for Midsummer Night's Dream, but I know someone who's using a comic book to teach Romeo and Juliet to intermediate ESLers and it's pretty awesome. Anyway, I've always been partial to Hamlet. We read/watched it in AP Lit senior year.

2. I'm usually in the passenger seat, so I start whipping my head around and screaming and looking like a nut. I enjoy frightening innocent (or in this case, not so innocent) bystanders!

3. The back yard of my house meets up with my landlord's back yard, so I like the fact that there's that much space between us and he can't see into my windows!

4. My girlfriends call me Gil. Loooong story involving pirates, Pastafarianism, and being awake all night.
Pierre (formerly Playboy)
2008-05-23 18:00:39 UTC
1. Romeo and Juliet in high school.

2. I pull down my window, flick him off, yell some profanity too him and hit the gas.

3. My backyard is right by the road...kinda funny.

4. Playboyperry509 was my SN for just grew on to use for everything online... Playboy meaning player, Perry a nickname for Pierre and 509 being May 9th, my birthday.

Other nicknames ive had: Perry, P Squared, P2, P.I., Pee Air, Pizzair, Pizizzle, P.I.M.P. (Dont ask why those have been my nicknames, long stories).
Kimberly is [epic©]
2008-05-23 20:27:36 UTC
1) poor 8th graders... but i like Romeo and Juliet - it's a classic, how can anybody NOT like it?

2) if they're riding the back of my car like they have somewhere reallll important to go, i go slower.. i mean, quit riding my tail and maybe i'll let you pass when we get the chance.

3) i love my pens flag i have hanging under my kitchen window, gives my house some pizazz.. my grass is also the greenest grass on my street! =P so my father takes a lot of pride in that lol

4) K Hurlz. First initial of my first name, and first 4 letters of my last name with a z after. I also get called "Kimbo Slice" I'm being told it's a scary dude who popped somebody's eye outta their head or something.
2008-05-23 18:56:18 UTC
1. Yea, I read Romeo and Juliet and I read Julius Caesar.

2. My dad and I both roll down our windows and flip off people who are either bad drivers or flipped us off first.

3. My backyard has a nice patio with woods in the backround.

4. My real name is Viktor, and some hockey teammates of mine decided to make the toughest girl name ever by calling me Viky, the name stuck and I actually like being called Viky now.
Red Wings Queen19
2008-05-23 17:02:41 UTC
1) The only thing I've read is Romeo and Juliet, so I guess its my favorite.

2) I Tailgate lol...Don't flip me off for no reason!!

3) I like my backyard, its pretty big especially when i invite some friends over for Bonfires and what not

4) My Family has been calling me Mary For a While. I always get the "Mary mary Quite Contrary".
Amy B®
2008-05-23 12:02:36 UTC
1. I took a whole class on Shakespeare in college. He allegedly had a ghostwriter . . . I like Taming of the Shrew, myself.

2. I look at them smugly just to piss them off. Anything else I

want to do would land me in jail.

3. I planted a shade garden in my front yard last year and it's filling in and looking great this spring. I also love my fire pit in the back yard. It's the neighborhood gathering place on Friday nights.

4. My sister calls me "Mo", short for Amos Moses. My older siblings also made up a cute song with my name when I was younger. I just laughed when I realized I remembered the whole thing!
San B
2008-05-23 21:48:00 UTC
1. We read Macbeth in high school. "Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow, creeps forth in this steady pace from day to day." I kind of like The 12th night.

2. I just call them a fooking idiot and go along my merry way

3. I live in a third floor apt overlooking the County Courthouse. It's a pretty nice structure surrounded by trees. Sometimes hot air balloons take off from the field in front.

4. nicknames: San, Shorty Sanchez, Boots & Picnic
2008-05-23 15:28:58 UTC
1. Yes i have....a long time ago! Hamlet and Macbeth come to mind. Its actually some interesting reading but don't intend to read it again.

2. I usually speed up so i can get eye to eye with that person again. Then i just point to my brain in a calm and collective way.....motioning, "think"!

3. The view. You can't beat living up in a hill in San Francisco. Its what homeowners cherish and homebuyers desire for here. The sunset is spectacular over the Pacific Ocean.

4. TDK.....its just what came to mind when i started here.
2008-05-23 13:18:42 UTC
1.) I have but it's been so long, Messier was still on the Oilers (NO KIDDING !! It was in grade 9, so in 90-91, and it was Macbeth don't remember much about it though)

2.) Does not apply. I refuse to drive a car for as long as Bush is in office. I get to and from classes or work on a $200 bike from Walmart, if I have a hockey game I have several friends who live within a km who pick me up. I get them a beer as a thank-you.

3.) I live in an apartment these days, so there's no yard/property to speak of.

4) It is actually. Hockey pals in Texas call me "Mumbler" as they claim to be unable to understand my accent (then again, none speak 3 languages daily like me) - in California leagues I was often known as "Luc" because I sorta look like Luc Robitaille .. my Mexican friends often call me "Guero" ..

take it easy "Turk", i gotta get to work. stay cool - we're gonna have a heat index of 110 or so here today. (as it was yesterday)
2008-05-23 13:14:33 UTC
1.I had to in high school,but i dont remember any of it.I dont enjoy reading all that much.

2.I usually just laugh and return the favor

3.My pool.I cant wait to open it next weekend

4.My nickname at work is Skeeter.I once made a joke that im hung like a mosquito and everyone has called me skeeter ever since.My nickname with my family is Rubberman.I stole a condom from my friend's dad when i was 11.My mom found it and flipped out.My brother and cousins still call me Rubs or Rubberman to this day.
2008-05-23 12:27:33 UTC
1.A Midsummer's Night Dream is probably my favorite from Billy.First name basis BTW.

2.I laugh.The one thing you don't need is road rage especially if you have no idea if they have a gun or just lost their job or a family member.Although me laughing at them might not help situations but hey what are ya gonna do.

3.99 acres.Alot of weed whacking and mowing.The place I live is also a wedding facility so that's one of my numerous of jobs.

4.My Dad gave me the nickname "Sport" when I was growing up because I played pretty much every sport.Fortunately or unfortunately nobody calls me that anymore since my father has passed.I've also been called "Hollywood" because of the way I'd carry myself also the "Jackyl" cause I'm always changing my appearance.I get bored with my look very quickly.
2008-05-23 13:17:53 UTC
1) Never been a big Shakespeare fan. His poem Venus and Adonis was pretty good. In Midsummer Night's Dream isn’t there someone or something named Puck. Yep, my mind is always on hockey.

2) It’s funny you ask this. People in Tampa are the WORST drivers ever. Ask ANYONE who has been here. I have the same routine, whenever I get flicked off. Okay, so I am driving down the road, and I accidentally cut someone off. They pull up next to me at the upcoming red light and flick me off. I smile really big and start waving. Then usually they will flick me off again. I smile and wave again, and then I point to them and then I point to myself, and lip-sync, “Do I know you?”. Most people will drive off by that point. I did have this one guy that motioned back for me to roll down my window. I cracked it, thinking he was going to throw something at me. He yelled, “Hey, F-You!”. I responded while giving him a rolling-the-eye look, like he is loony, “I love you too man! Have a great day”. LMAO! It really is funny when people are soooo mad, and you are soooo pleasant. Also, as another tip. When people start getting to close to the rear of your car…instead of hitting your breaks, pretend like you are drinking out of a flask, and the start swerving on the road. It is really amazing how quickly people back off.

3) It is very nicely landscaped, thanks to my fiancé. It’s weird because both of my parents are really into gardening, flowers, plants, and spending hours screwing around in the lawn. I am just not really into it. I do have an herb garden that I take care of, but I keep it on the windowsill inside the house, so I suppose that is cheating.

4) Hales is my nickname, but only a few people call me that… I was called Egghead in elementary school, because I was really into speed skating, and I had a huge white round helmet. It looked silly, because my head is pretty small.

I hope you also have a great weekend.
Al E
2008-05-23 15:24:21 UTC
1.Yes, most recently I enjoyed Othello a lot. Iago is so conniving.

2.I shrug my shoulders and hold my hands up and mouth "What?" Honestly happened to me last weekend.

3.We have large tree stump in a small backyard facing a cemetery. It's an interesting place to sit

4.Nope it's the same.
2008-05-23 13:42:54 UTC
I <3 The Bard. The Taming of the Shrew.


The moring glory plant

My nickname is jenjen
David G
2008-05-23 12:53:59 UTC
1) Ceaser. We had to do a taped presention with a gimmic in high school, and we did a old fashioned radio drama, complete with comercials. Still blackmail a friend with it : )

2)Smile and wave, like you don't realize they are mad at you. Ruins their whole day

3)Every year, it seems like the "weeds" I was going to cut down last weekend bloom into beutiful flowers this weekend.

4) My friends in high school used to call me chaos, because I always seemed to get myself in such bad spots : )
2008-05-23 12:49:56 UTC
1. poor eighth graders, at least they have an excuse if they fial, "My teacher bored me to death"

2. i dont drive

3. the view from my stupid balcony.

4. "4 minutes" is my nick name, very long story. ive also been called Strawberry shortcake.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.